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Re: Quebec opposition parties take aim at foreign mining firms [in Quebec]

Good thing Frank et el all live in Quebec. That should exempt us from this Royalty Business. I think the head office is within an hour of where our future gold mine lies.


about 12 years ago
OK, how many holes are we waiting for again...

An awesome report last NR on the couple of holes reported on. Can someone readily remind me of how many holes were drilled last round and how many holes need reporting on, please...

Some kind of idea as to when the next round of results would be appreciated, if known. I am so totally out of the loop on this one, I feel like an "outsider", as opposed to an "insider" :-}

over 13 years ago
Re: JDM-Also cjr

"i'm wondering exactly how long dwek is obligated not to buy shares?"

I am of the understanding that he is obligated to not buy or sell shares until the information that he is aware of (the insider information) is made public. This may or may not be a rule for any shares that he purchased prior to his getting that information, but Hoov would know more about that.

I am also not happy with the withholding of assays. "If" I had only known that this would be the case, especially after Frank's statement of assays coming out regularly, I would have sold my position and bought in much lower, thus becoming a "trader" like Twilight. I haven't sold any shares and am waiting for the assays to come out like most here. I am also going to be waiting for the 43-101 that will be coming out this year (provided they can get assays back quicker) and making any major decisions after that information is presented. I am a lousy trader but let's just hope that I make a much better investor.

JDM, love him or hate him, that depends on which company you have been invested in at the same time he is invested. Remember one most important fact, Joe is an investor who is in the market to MAKE money, not lose it. If he is comfortable enough to be invested in this company at this level, it is my opinion that we shall be making money in the next year or two. Anyone who says he is invested here to simply manipulate the share price for fun and that will lose him money is full of bananas upstairs, literally. If that is his game, he would not have any money to invest now, would he?

Enough talk of Joe Dwek, late assays and that b.s. article wrote in regards to GNH being a pump and dump. Pump and dumps do not continue to spend money trying to prove up a resource. That would be counter productive now, wouldn't it? If they are a pump and dump, then they would have "moved their investor's money" over somewhere where they could use it for their own ends. This has not happened. If it has, then they are the worst pumpers and dumpers on the planet. They keep on spending that money on drilling, upgrading their facilities and assaying. Hmmm, that is more like a legitimate company than a pump and dumper. Unless they are paying double the going rate for the assays and getting kickbacks, then I would call b.s. on any statements of this being a pump and dump. That is the only way they could be making money as a pump and dumper. Everything else is accounted for.

This is a REAL company with a REAL asset which they are trying to prove up. You can spin it any way you want to but the fact remains that the drills are still turning (starting on the 11th, and lets just hope it is 2 or even 3). I was told many years ago by a very good investor that the only time to worry about a company is when the drills stop turning. Unless, of course, there is an offer on the table...

Just Dreamin'

over 13 years ago
Re: Larry- from the other board-Are you serious, Southside???

"The holes from T1 + T2 arn't minable so whar are you basing your 43-101 on?"

This is your response? Well, then you certainly have not done ANY DD on this company, and I will only explain this one time for you. T1 and T2 ARE mineable. Why? Because the "Older reports of holes, and not to mention the BULK SAMPLING that was done last year that came from T1 with an average grade at surface of 3 grams per ton where the drill core showed 2 grams per ton IS a mineable, economic amount of gold to mine at surface with an open pit format. If I need to explain to you how much it costs to extract gold from a ton of rock and how much money you get from 3 grams per ton of gold to show you that it is economical, then you need to do a bunch of reading, like I have for the past 4-5 years. Then perhaps you will be making statements with a bit of knowledge to back them up instead of just simple blanket statements for what? Are you wanting others to do all the reading and DD for you?

I suggest that you go and read a bunch of news releases over the past 2 years (like, maybe ALL of them) and see what kind of grades Timmins has. Then go back in the archives to find out the "historical" grades done prior to Golden taking over the claims and working them. Then get familiar with how much it costs to extract gold from rock (which can be googled, which I did) and you will answer your own questions. There were grades found in Timmins years back when the last company did a bulk sample in the "sweet spot" that were in the neighborhood of 15 grams per ton, and some even higher! Tell me that isn't mineable.

This is my last response regarding this. This is simply silly, in my mind. READ, READ, READ. It worked for me. I suggest to EVERYONE that they do the same, not just come on a forum with an OPINION and suggest otherwise without basing anything on facts, PLEASE!

Just Dreamin'

over 13 years ago
Re: Larry- from the other board

My guess, from the amount of drilling done on T1 and T2. They have a ton more holes on those two bodies. I can see a 43-101 done on this area with more to follow shortly. It reminds me of Noront Resources. They started with Eagle 1A and have been adding very slowly since in level b and c.

I think you will get your report of Snow White added, and I hope it comes by the end of 2011. Remember what the Hoov said. He said that Snow White could stand alone as a mine. That would take considerable more drilling than T1 and T2, and they just started drilling it this spring or summer. Granted, they have sunk a lot of holes in that body, but I believe that the 43-101 standards would probably require a lot more holes to establish 'credible' grades for such a report.

Just my opinion, of course. Sure hope to see Snow White put in the report. If I recall, that was the catalyst that should put us up to the 100 million tons. Now, that would be worth a news release or two.

Just Dreamin'

over 13 years ago
Re: 2011 - Siding with FANTOMAS on this one

$5 - $15 per share. Can't see that happening. I won't rule it out because we don't know what the drill will go through next year, but 5 - 15? Very impossible.

$2 per share? That can happen. First, we need to see the 43-101 that someone has "alluded" to coming out sometime this spring, like in April or May. If there is a good solid foundation there, then with some good results coming out from Snow White, I think you may see this stock find a new bottom around the $2 mark. But, what happens at the $2 mark?

You do a financing at that point and raise $20 - $40 million and get 6 or 7 drills going on this property and how long before we get a "complete" 43-101 with a possible 100 million tons then? Oh, and we just may see a ramp going down to the hundred meter or so level to do a bulk sampling then. So, let's get to the $2 level sometime this year and get some real money into this play and get a bunch of drills happening and a ramp built. Then you may just see a share price in the $5 range. Believe me, if this stock hits $5 per share, it would be like hitting a home run, winning the lottery, watching your firstborn being born. I would be euphoric with a $5 per share price. Never mind those numbers being floated out higher. Just trying to keep things realistic here.

Just Dreamin'

over 13 years ago
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