GoldBarrenCharlie's Profile

GoldBarrenCharlie's Posts

Re: NR mill startup on schedule for 1st pour end Oct.

It all seems to be coming together at certainly the right time...

In after hours trading Gold has hit $ 1379.90 up $ 9.40 US and GBG hit $ 2.91.

With the foreclosure situation, the currency conflicts and election political gesturing and posturing all the ingredients are in place for some real potential excitement here.

That first pour that they are projecting for the end of October will mark the transition to producer. It couldn't be coming at a better time in view of current market conditions and world economics.

I see from your last post that they have apparently already run 3,000 tons through the mill. I think they had 170,000 tons on October 10th and 154,000 tons back when the video was done in early September. The current on hand tonnage would give us an interesting insite into production flows even at this rough early stage of preliminary movement.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Relax Folks Part II

Hi All;

I have a speculative question that might have a bearing on all of this sudden sales volume for one of our Canadian holders.

This volume all occured on the Canadian Market side....from what I read in your post...

Doesn't Canada still allow naked short selling ? ?

I believe that practice is banned in the US markets but I thought someone had mentioned that it could still be done in the Canadian markets ? ?

Not sure... maybe someone could help us with this thought ?

Gold Barren Charlie

about 14 years ago
Re: NR update Burnstone....power-u... 8/8/10


Thanks for posting that update... it appears that the electrical connection should have been made at this point and they are or will shortly be cranking up getting ready to go into actual production soon on the Burnstone facility.

Did you see that they had also upped the Gold Resource on this property by 3 % bringing their total to about 12 Million ounces if I read that right ?

From September 19th through the 22nd they will be at the Denver Gold Group ( a not for profit industry association ) The news from that should provide some updates on the status of both properties.

I just found that they presented today on Monday September 20th, 2010.

You can hear/see Ferdi do his thing at

the PDF from the presentation is at this address...

The most impressive thing that grabbed me in one slide of their presentation is that as of September 13th, 2010 they are already sitting with 158,000 ore tons sitting on the surface awaiting milling... even at a low guesstimated yield of 1 oz per ton at the current $1,270 an ounce that is over $200,000,000 of potential soon to have revenue that will soon be kicking in. Who knows what actual yield they will have on this early stuff though. It could be higher or lower.

Gold Barren Charlie

about 14 years ago
Just Want to Thank Forum Posters

Hi Everyone;

I have held my Tyhee shares for a long time now and it is quite easy to understand some people's impatience with it. Who knows what's eventually going to happen with it..if anything.

I can recall though many years ago...holding a similar predecessor Gold Mining Company called Discovery Mines who shared the same gold mining locale of Tyhee for many many many years. It too took a long long long time but eventually that one paid off handsomely running up 8 fold from my original purchase price of $ 1.10 a share. That was in 1982 if I recall correctly.

It then split off half of its share holdings as Discovery West & Blackrock that again paid off 25 years after that first run when they were acquired after several reorgs and buyouts going up about 24 fold from my initial purchase cost of $1100. It took a while... This location certainly wasn't good sport for day traders back then either. That one took from 1982 to 2007 if I recall correctly.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes it requires a little bit of patience, a lot of luck but generally speaking..if we have assets in the ground someone someday is going to want to exchange them for something else of value. We just have to live long enough ! :)

But that is the nice thing about THIS place.. while you are waiting..You are learning all kinds of neat things and neat strategies that people have shared. What has worked and what hasn't. What might be going on and what isn't.

I have looked at any number of other small gold producers or wannabees and their forums here on Agoracom. I think it has been almost two years since I last posted here. Every once in a while I have dropped in and did some catch up reading and have always learned something new and or fascinating from posters on this forum.

Tyhee, whatever it's final fate, has attracted a real collection of impressive forum members who have shared so much helpful and useful information over these long years and it is so neat to see that this forum of all that I have looked at is still very much alive, very vibrant and dynamic and very much still expecting to see this company deliver home run results.

So thank you Baires and the so many others who have kept not only Tyhee's hopes alive through thick and thin from my $.82 a share purchases to my $.07 ones and back up again. This forum discussion channel has consistantly been priceless for it's true insights, reflections and awesome information content.

To the others like me who read and don't always feel comfortable contributing because really... :) What do I know ? <grin> It's good to at least occasionally comment or share an occasional thought or news tidbit that others might have missed to keep the channel as alive as it has been.

Again my thanks to all of you who make and have kept this such a truly awesome place to get information and varied opinions and points of view over the years. Be blessed each and every one of you. And hopefully we will all share a Golden Future.

Gold Barren Charlie

about 14 years ago
Just Saying Thanks To Forum Posters

Hi Everyone;

I have held my Tyhee shares for a long time now and it is quite easy to understand some people's impatience with it. Who knows what's eventually going to happen with it..if anything.

I can recall though many years ago...holding a similar predecessor gold mining company called Discovery Mines who shared the same gold mining locale of Tyhee for many many many years. It too took a long long long time but eventually that one paid off handsomely running up 8 fold from my original purchase price of $ 1.10 a share. That was in 1981 or 1982 if I recall correctly.

It then split off half of its share holdings as Discovery West & Blackrock that again paid off 25 years after that first run when they were acquired after several reorgs and buyouts going up about 24 fold from my initial purchase cost of $1100. It took a while... This location certainly wasn't good sport for day traders back then either. That one took from 1982 to 2007, if I recall correctly.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes it requires a little bit of patience, a lot of luck but generally speaking..if we have assets in the ground someone someday is going to want to exchange them for something else of value. We just have to live long enough ! :)

But that is the nice thing about THIS place.. while you are waiting..You are learning all kinds of neat things and neat strategies that people have shared. What has worked and what hasn't. What might be going on and what isn't.

I have looked at any number of other small gold producers or wannabees and their forums here on Agoracom. I think it has been almost two years since I last posted here. Every once in a while I have dropped in and did some catch up reading and have always learned something new and or fascinating from posters on this forum.

Tyhee, whatever it's final fate, has attracted a real collection of impressive forum members who have shared so much helpful and useful information over these long years and it is so neat to see that this forum of all that I have looked at is still very much alive, very vibrant and dynamic and very much still expecting to see this company deliver home run results.

So thank you Baires and the so many others who have kept not only Tyhee's hopes alive through thick and thin from my $.82 a share purchases to my $.07 ones and back up again. This forum discussion channel has consistantly been priceless for it's true insights, reflections and awesome information content.

To the others like me who read and don't always feel comfortable contributing because really... :) What do I know ? <grin> It's good to at least occasionally comment or share an occasional thought or news tidbit that others might have missed to keep the channel as alive as it has been.

Again my thanks to all of you who make and have kept this such a truly awesome place to get information and varied opinions and points of view over the years. Be blessed each and every one of you. And hopefully we will all share a Golden Future.

Gold Barren Charlie

about 14 years ago
Re: Today's News Private Placement means winter drilling


Some Excellent Analysis there...

Tyhee is down to .09 on the US and $.11 on the TSX as I write this today 12/31 at 01:40 EST... So the Insiders willing to pony up at $.21 sounds like a good cash flow deal comparatively.....

And considering that they ARE insiders their willingness to pay double in exchange for a piece of the upside potential BEYOND $.21 sounds like it bodes well for ALL of us not too far down the road.

Even if there isn't anything specific coming... extra cash at this point in the game translates out into more decisional options and avoids a bunker mentality that might impair future growth. Extra Cash is a good thing.

I wonder if they would extend an option offer out to ALL of the existing shareholders as a way to raise additional low cost capital without all of the fees ?And that would avoid dilution....everyone could stay where they were and the company would benefit from the extra capital injection.

Good Riddance 2008..But thanks for the buying opportunities ! Best Wishes for a MUCH MUCH better New Year in 2009 and beyond to each of you in the Tyhee investment family throughout the world.

Gold Barren Charlie

over 15 years ago
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