George452's Profile

George452's Posts

Re: SGE1/gcduck/ease/flo...

Many days ago I posted a comment which responded to the talk about taking action to investigate possible wrong doing at the Patent Office. I was ill for some time and I returned to find many replys to my post.

I have this to say. You guys are great! Every time I comment here I get one H*ll of an education. I sincerly thank all of you. Your knowlege and experience far exceeds mine, and I learn somthing I didn't know almost every time I read your dailys.

The letter from PTSC that was posted was great as well, I agree that naive is a word that certainly applies to me, as well as a lot of newbe's in the market.

Thanks again guys,


over 14 years ago
Re: Corruption at the USPTO? SGE...

I agree with OSCAR. It is time to engage the Feds and get some help. The 336 has be reexamined to death. By now, the Patent folks should look at a reexam request as a "been there, done that" sort of thing.

I just smells rotten, somone, someware is making a lot of money slowing down the success of this company. Maybe with some Congressional help, the SEC FBI can take a REAL peek at the Patent Office.

I am no expert in these things, but it would seem that this is smelling like somthing criminal.

Does anyone else feel the same? G

over 14 years ago
Re: To all Shareholders:

I agree with fungo. The operative words you should be considering are'wave of licences' I have been with this company from the .025 cent shareprice. Never have I seen the patent portfolio solid in to countries. The US and Germany.

Both have in essence said to prospective infringers that enough is enough. Pay up buttercup, we're not playing your game.

For gods sake is right, some of you guys just cant be happy no matter what good news comes your way. Calling the company a shell game when it exists and two nations ratify the patents is.. well just sad.

The BOD will find someone to replace RG soon enough, if they already didnt have someone in mind before they fired him, and the money will come in.

Mellow out Dudes, I believe we are finally winning.

Regards to all, even the nay sayers.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Top 10 things that would make share price rise

I agree with Cytoman, This is a good list.

Item 10: This board should only comment on real trauma or failure to preform.

Item 9: Please find a way to inspire confidence in your holdings, or sell and go away.

Item 8: I've been a CUBS fan since I was 9. Yes they will win the World Series.

Item 7: You've got a point here. Are they really earning their money?No, why?

Item 6: Too low, multibillion is more like it!

Item 5: A large buy from Leckhorne would be a confidence builder.

Item 4: May All of our prayers are answered!

Item 3: See item 5:

Item 2: Victory is good.

Item 1: Reserification is an extreamly high probability in my opinion. The German Courts have pretty well nailed the portfolio into position as a valid group of patents. I see them all cleared soon, by USPTO.

One last issue guys, You are all bright lads and lassies, you've got to realize that we are so much further down the road these last few years, that any discontent not only harms ALL our holdings, but discourges others from buying. Which of course is the only way shareprice will legitimatly climb - DEMAND!

So please, if you have to complain, do it here and at the same time post that you also sent a letter to investor relations. They are the ones who truely need to recieve and understand your discontent.

Often, you are right, pass it on to those who can actually do somthing.

Regards, and Successful Investing, GHJ

over 15 years ago
Re: Looky Here,

I'm sorry Guys but I have to agree with borredo2 on this one. By in large I enjoy very much reading your postings and I am not ashamed to admit you guys have taught me a lot that I had no idea even existed. For that, I thank you.

However, all this talk about getting lawyers and court dates to protect the shareholder is a new one. I have been in and out of the market for close to 30 years as an investor. I have lost and I have won. AND I have seen some pretty shady operations where the principles of the company have - well, obtained uncomforable quarters courtesy of Law Enforcement.

I have held PTSC shares since the mid ninety's, my cheepest buy was at 3 cents. Math wise, I have already won, but that is not why I continue to hold.

I see continued purchase of other companies, I see an eventual seccession of the law suits surrounding the MMP. I see a HUGH future for Patriot as an INVESTOR.

My only dissapointment is that as a disabled veteran, my funds are too lean to BUY MORE STOCK. When funds become available, I will expand my holdings.

This is not pumping the stock, this is a long term play with me. A future share price of $10.00 is NOT beyound the realm of possibilities. I, like you, have no cristal ball to tell me when this might happen. If you are a trader, and are frustrated that the stock does not move fast enough to go in and out with many trades - keep waiting. I understand.

In an active climbing market, and it will come, this stock WILL find it's way to the NASDAQ without a split, without manipulations and will perculate up and down with all the big boys and there will be pleanty of opportunities for TRADING. For now, simple investment is the order of the day. This is very possible because of the investments that RG and the BOD have made with the MMP cash.

All this of course is only my humble opinion. I have faith in this little company, no fraud has been uncovered, no person arrested.

I simply see no use for a lawyer until the stock makes us so confortable that we need lawful tax advice. For now, I wait and hope that the POTENTIAL is realize that has already been DEMONSTRATED.

Regards, GHJ

over 15 years ago
Re: 16,000 to 1 thats the question.

I did not sell. This company will flourish in time. 53 signers and the resultant corporate investments - not to mention the German leverage, says the game will go on. GHJ

over 15 years ago
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