Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to cytoman's message

I agree with Cytoman, This is a good list.

Item 10: This board should only comment on real trauma or failure to preform.

Item 9: Please find a way to inspire confidence in your holdings, or sell and go away.

Item 8: I've been a CUBS fan since I was 9. Yes they will win the World Series.

Item 7: You've got a point here. Are they really earning their money?No, why?

Item 6: Too low, multibillion is more like it!

Item 5: A large buy from Leckhorne would be a confidence builder.

Item 4: May All of our prayers are answered!

Item 3: See item 5:

Item 2: Victory is good.

Item 1: Reserification is an extreamly high probability in my opinion. The German Courts have pretty well nailed the portfolio into position as a valid group of patents. I see them all cleared soon, by USPTO.

One last issue guys, You are all bright lads and lassies, you've got to realize that we are so much further down the road these last few years, that any discontent not only harms ALL our holdings, but discourges others from buying. Which of course is the only way shareprice will legitimatly climb - DEMAND!

So please, if you have to complain, do it here and at the same time post that you also sent a letter to investor relations. They are the ones who truely need to recieve and understand your discontent.

Often, you are right, pass it on to those who can actually do somthing.

Regards, and Successful Investing, GHJ

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