GOYA_YOLO's Profile

Entrepreneur enjoying life in sunny Florida.


Question about WEM Rights...

Can someone on this board explain to me (a relative newcomer) what are the CONTRACTUAL PROTECTIONS that:

a. Convey the exclusive rights to this WEM mine to GHDC in the first place? From whom? For how long? At what terms?

((My understanding is that GHDC is the company that actually got the rights to WEM and then has leased those rights to SFMI))

b. Convey the same exclusive rights to SFMI? At what terms? ((The only thing I remember reading is that there is both a "Lease" and "Royalty" payment due from SFMI to GHDC.))

c. Since SFMI cannot pay anything really, does the fact that SFMI has to work out deals with GHDC to pay in stock when it cannot pay in cash, does that give GHDC a legal loophole to cause some BREACH of its agreement with SFMI? ((I may not understand this exactly, so I am looking for clarification for the FACTS, please.))

d. How long can SFMI fail to produce anything substantial before their ONLY "serious asset", SFMI's CONTRACTUAL RIGHT to mine WEM, evaporates with the expiration (or breach) of that contract with GHDC?


What can stop GHDC, PQ, et al., from sinking this little boat, SFMI, it is towing behind the "mothership" and just restart with another corporate entity who GHDC assigns the WEM rights to, wiping its hands of a failed SFMI and moving on to greener pastures?

PIC, Carmine, BOUTS, Cowboy, Sphiny, etc. etc..... These are serious questions that I have as an investor who owns a few million shares in SFMI. I am only looking for the facts and not anyones opinions on what PQ, Mysterious Masked Riders, Canadian Investors, A.S., etc., may or may not do. There must be actual contracts in place. Perhaps some or all of them are in SEC filings, but I have not taken the time to look for them.

If anyone has links to the actual contracts I would greatly appreciate links to them so I can also educate myself further on those details.

In conclusion, it occurs to me that if there are loopholes that allow GHDC to lose its rights to WEM, or SFMI to lose its "pass through" rights to WEM, this could be a major risk that I currently have little knowledge of to determine if I am willing to wait around holding this stock for a long time. Because, based on what everyone who reported news on the SHM has stated, it will be YEARS before SFMI is even capable of pulling out of this morass it is in.

It also seems to be a MAJOR conflict of interest for PQ to hold the reigns on both of these companies as SFMI is so dependent on GHDC and not the other way around.

As the CEO of both companies and for whatever reasons, including his own incompetence, PQ wasn't able to execute the plans that he sold everyone on years ago and everything took way too long to materialize, I would think he would still have a plan to save his own ass. My concern is that plan may include letting SFMI tank and focus on GHDC share price growth.

I hope someone who knows more than I do about the situation can tell me why this cannot happen.


almost 11 years ago
Re: .004 x .01 am i seeing that right?

Now the ask has been pressured down to $0.0063. It was sitting at $0.0064 all morning with the bid at a paltry $0.0058 and it hasn't budged. ::sigh::


about 11 years ago
Re: Drip drip drip...


I am not really sure you even COULD pump and dump this stock. For that to happen, it would actually have to go UP SOMETIMES! When I look back at the chart of this stock over the last 3 years and the last 3 months (the amount of time I have owned it), NOTHING looks promising.

These are just FACTS. The things we talk about here in the forum tends to focus on OPINIONS, RUMORS, and EXTRAPOLATION. Whenever someone points out the FACTS, they usually get piled on and slandered.

Here are some FACTS:



I may be new to this stock, but I am not new to the world of business or investing. I bought a stake in this stock based both on a recommendation from a long time friend and doing some (not enough) of my own due diligence. Frankly, I was sceptical from the outset and it was friendship that swayed me to take a "Gamble" on this stock because that is what it is.

The additional facts found in the SEC filings have been discussed by others in previous posts and NONE of those filings have facts that would suggest a company that can even survive, let alone prosper.

Here are some of my own thoughts and speculations...

Like a lot of people here the only thing I have to go on is HOPE. We HOPE that the "dots" we are connecting ACTUALLY come together. We HOPE that PQ actually gets out of the driver's seat and someone else takes the wheel. We HOPE that SOMEONE... ANYONE... from Canada, South America, China, ANYWHERE, actually invests real money into this deal.

And... we HOPE that the share price will be able to climb through the bottom feeders who are likely now holding many tens or hundreds of millions of shares that they will be happy to unload some of those shares at $0.02 - $0.03 (the high range over the last 12 months or so).

Let alone all of the people who have been "introduced" to this stock over the last 12 months by their friends who now see this as a pretty shaky deal and if they bought in at these penny and sub penny prices over the last year, most likely many investors would be happy to cash out at $0.02 and double their investment and move on.

With all of this... I can also not see that this stock has much chance of breaking into the $0.05 - $0.10 range anytime within the next year or so. At BEST I think we can hope to reach $0.02 - $0.03 over the next 12 - 18 months IF the investors come in AND we can get enough BUYERS of this stock to consume all the dumping that will occur as this thing moves higher.

Ending on a brighter note (and the only reasons now that I have any hope for SFMI)...

Activities and building have actually occured at WEM (FACT). There have been significant investments made by the insiders into this deal (FACT). I can't imagine many people involved having much to benefit from this thing dying a slow death (IMHO). Gold and Silver should both be solid investments going into the future with the way the US Dollar has been inflated beyond belief and the USA's own impending debt crises is just around the proverbial corner (FACT).

about 11 years ago
Re: IF not next week..............

Actually, I would LOVE to sell SFMI. Just don't like the strategy of buying high and selling low! ;)

I put in a call to YES and couldn't get anyone on the phone. I guess we won't be getting any information on any deal signed "the last week of August". And with Monday being a holiday and Thursday being a holiday, next week may be "iffy" as well.

It's fairly obvious by researching and reading everything that we are all screwed if some serious money doesn't flow into the company for operating capital to get the projects done that need to get done.

QUESTION is... If the "Masked Rider"/Canadians/Whomever DOESN'T invest for whatever reason... what is the PLAN B?

Seems to me that some "deal" could be offered up to a cash investor willing to fund AT LEAST the leaching system to process the tailings and have some priority note paid off from the PM in the pile to the tune of something VERY attractive from an ROI standpoint.

Even if SFMI paid 50%+ APR using the pile and equipment as collateral, if it costs $1.5MM for the system and we paid out $2.25MM of the $7-$9-$11MM (or whatever the pile actually has in it), that would leave a few million more in revenue to do work in the tunnel, start pulling out fresh ore, etc.

I don't know what the proposed budget for mining the sinker tunnel is, but it seems that COULD be enough to get something moving.



about 11 years ago
Introduction - Late to the Game


Hello Everyone,

I have been reading this forum for a couple months since I bought a few million shares in SFMI. Luckily, I am late to this party so my average cost is sub-penny. But, I am NOT a trader. I bought this deciding to take a shot on it heading back up to at least a nickel, dime, quarter over the next year or so.

However, now... I am in the same boat with all of you and I am hoping for the best as well.

Since this is my first post on Agoracom, I would be grateful for any positive ratings so I can start my journey to forum glory!

I look forward to joining the discussions. I am also planning on heading out to the ASM in October and hope to meet some of you out there.

As for my Screen Name: Get Off Your Ass - You Only Live Once. aka... GOYA_YOLO


about 11 years ago
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