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Re: SP AT .24??? Surely This is Open for Discussion

Lawrence Roulston put out a recommendation in his publication recently and rated Shoreham a Number 1 to buy. I wonder what he was told that we have not been told to get someone with his reputation and standing in the investment community to do this. Granted Roulston is a letter writer and is paid for his services, it is still in his best interest to have done some due diligence on what he is recommending.

I hear that they hired an IR guy but no news out on that. Who is it? What are the capabilities other than $250,000 per year as per the last audited financials. Oh but I forgot this is the company that got in trouble for inadequate news releases about a year ago and now they feel they need not give news out on anything. Some Board of Directors on this company.

Company needs a new director to replace O'Gormann, they need a new man on the ground to replace their former VP of Explorations, and in my opinion they need to replace Bending now that he has got the deals. Now they need someone who can go the extra step and get some drilling done and news out. That guy is Wallster as after all he owns 15% or more of the company so why doesn't he just step up to the plate and take it all over.

about 14 years ago
Re: Financials posted on Sedar

Yes and here is the part that makes me mad and it should make you mad also.

During the year ended April 30, 2010, the Company was charged $528,261 (2009 - $437,340) for wages, management and consulting fees provided by five officers and directors and their related corporations of the Company, of which $197,727 (2009 – $209,572) was charged to exploration properties. Included in current liabilities at April 30, 2010 is $90,033 (2009 - $90,652) owing to these related parties.

Then look at the money spent on Investor Relations. For what?

All this money spent out and absolutely nothing to show for it. Is there no accountability for this inaction when other companies like Goldfields are producing? Where is Wallster on this and why has he not just taken this thing over and fired the lot of this bunch and got on with the business.?



about 14 years ago
Re: Guyana Gold

Guyana Goldfields Inc. actually has a management team and is doing something. Less stock outstanding than Shoreham, a very strong management team that seems to be able to work with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (the “GGMC”) which appears to be a stumbling block for Shoreham. Huge money in the bank along with a banking;

The Company had $76 million in cash and bank-backed guaranteed investment certificates held with a major Canadian chartered bank (“total cash”) (October 31, 2009 - $23 million; April 30, 2009 – $16 million)

David Bending has been able to find the properties but his track history over the years is that he has never been able to pull the trigger and as Nike and Tiger Woods would say "Just Do It".

I can just imagine what Dale Walster and the broker in Dundee are thinking right now. The best thing that could happen to Shoreham is Walster walk in with his paper in show his position and tell the Board of Shoreham to get out.

about 14 years ago
Re: Digger

Sorry Greenfields you got me pegged wrong. Not messing where I live.

Nor am I an insider of this little blessing called Shoreham. Own a paltry amount of stock but nothing that is going to blow the sky open.

You have to realize that David Bending travels around and will tell anyone he is talking to about his company whether it is insider information, or news not yet disseminated. As proof look what was posted almost a year ago by Bending which got him into the soup. I was not expecting Bending to answer me, for if I had I would have talked to his face. Trust me I have shared some information with him as to what is and what is not happending in Guyana but he seems to ignor it like he ignors the management of this company.

So - no, I do not have someone in management slipping a poison pill, David seems to do that quite well himself. Ask the investors in Toronto and they will more or less confirm that. No beef with McNivan other than knowing him and lets say first impresssions are not lasting ones. So Bending does not have anyone to fire, he probably knows me and reads these posts, because he does comment to me now and then when we talk.

If you are an investor and think this company is performing then please look at the amount of money raised in the last four years and please tell the rest of us what this company has done other than spent some flow through capital in Ontario and paid management huge dollars. Wait until you see the audited financials this year as to who got paid what and you will get sick.

Did you know they have a guy getting paid 5 grand a month to do Investor Relations and we have a 12 cent stock. Now that is laughable my friend.

Pick away little buddy but you are doing it to the wrong person.

about 14 years ago
Re: Marudi P.R.

This is old news of a year ago and being spit up again like sour milk.

Note - the last line on that news release. It is all about Bending now and he does not want his investors calling into the office. I thought he had signed a big time PR guy by the name of Connors to work the Investors.

What a joke this is getting to be.

about 14 years ago
Re: Digger

Yes that is true.

It is my information which comes out of Guyana that Brent resigned effective May 30, 2010 and did so via email with a reason about something not being able to work with management. This is no loss to Shoreham as he is a hot head and it is my information that he was spending money like a wild bangee and equipment owned by Shoreham was being used by other companies that he was close to. Shoreham certainly is not reporting income from leasing out equipment so leads me to ask where the money was going.

When asked Bending danced around, could not hear "bad connection" read that as "I really do not want to discuss this" and said that Brent has been retained on contract. For the love of me I don't know why he was just not put on a plane back home and let go completely. They are other more qualified geologists that could do that job.

about 14 years ago
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