DarlingofBayStreet's Profile

DarlingofBayStreet's Posts

Re: FWR NOT Agreement---Frank, I think you are wrong about this.

I quit posting long ago-but, I think I ought to speak up here. The Freewest description of the November 12 Agreement is spot on. I suggest you read both again.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Can we at least wait until the AGM is over

Well, in my opinion, it is worse than prattle for posters here to now suggest that anyone on the yellow sheet has what it takes to be on the Noront Board, or be employed by the company in any capacity. d

almost 16 years ago

Question for Glorieux.

I appreciate your efforts to keep information flowing, including the runours. Sometimes your posts cause me to have questions, and thus far I have not asked them, partly because some might accuse me of being a basher, or worse. Not a very good reason to remain silent.

So, regarding the chromite, you wrote that "we are looking at 40-50 meters in thickness." Is that true width? If it is, how do you know? I read the news releases as saying that the core width is not true width. It could be close, but it might not be, and if true width is a lot shorter, and it can be, estimates will be off.

Also, I do not recall seeing any comment about Blackbird Two being at a gravity anomaly. I think this is major information, and will no doubt add to the complexity of the ROF.


ai appreciate

about 16 years ago
Re: You want to hear a rumour

Thanks for this information. I cannot speak for others, but, I really miss reading rumors. I do not know if they have generally dried up, or if no one is posting them for one reason or another. This board is my only source of rumours and if it is not posted here, I never know of it. The fact that rumours are only rumours does not matter to me. We can and should be careful about that type of information, even from well known posters. So, keep them coming. And, I might add, I would encouage others to post rumours to the extent they could have some basis.

Anyone who signs up and starts posting runours imediately will be outed pronto. I think that posting rumours related to NOT is not and should not be a violation of Agoracom rules.. ~darling

over 16 years ago
AGORACOM--Informatio... please while we wait.

AGORACOM --Information please while we wait.

Will you please provide us the guidelines and or rules used in connection with news releases. It seems clear that some rules apply, even to your activities, and it seems fair to assume that those rules are available, in writing. Will you please post at least a summary, and cite to the rules. This information may, hopefully, eliminate some or all of the periodic (sometimes disruptive) postings in this forum regarding withholding of information. In particular are there rules about when news releases must be made, and when they may not be made? thank you ~darling.

over 16 years ago
Agoracom --Can you post a transcript of the

Ring of Fire Corporate Luncheon presentations?

The Agoracom interviews with Neil and Richard were clear, but for me, the recording of the presentations have too much noise in them to understand. I have to admit to a bit of personal hearing loss. OK, perhaps more than a bit. I could tell that there was discussion about the anomalies to the south and west, and the nearby Fancamp anomalies I think), but what did they say, and what do we (Richard, John, Neil et al.) think and hope? I am also interested in the other anomalies shown on grid 1 (to the north and east). Was anything said about them? If no transcripts are available I may phrase some specific questions for you to forward to Noront. Thank you. I certainly appreciate the service you provide. ~darling

over 16 years ago
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