CoZmo's Profile

CoZmo's Posts

Re: This is a good outcome of a horrible situation

"The people who seem most upset are those who bought into the bluest of blue skying that was espoused on this forum (and by Richard). I always tried to caution against that. Expectations were way, way too high. A huge return was always a possibility, but it was a very small one. A big return might still come to fruition, but a more realistic view is that we can all make a healthy profit, even if we don't get filthy rich in the process."

Hey Franz,

I understand what you are saying in your post but I think it is certainly a "hindsight is 20/20" opinion. Just curious, did you sell your holdings at 7.42? My guess is no, because you are still here.

If now we are given a rough guess of $8 buyout possibility and you are accepting of this figure as a reasonable value for what we've got, then when we were at the high of 7.42, I would think that you would have been quite content with anything in the $7 range, given that you weren't expecting much more than that for this company. It's very easy to look back now and say these things, but I believe that if Richard was at the helm, he would be getting us more than $8/share, and quite possibly would have fulfilled his "blue sky" predictions.

My investment, and decision to hold that investment even in the $7 range, was made with Richard leading us. Now that we have others in charge, maybe this $8 ball park is all this new management will be able to get for us since there will now, most certainly, be other interests involved that will be put above ours.

With Richard in charge, we would have seen higher IMHO and I think many here feel the same. It's not that we weren't realistic in our expectations, but things have changed now. I don't feel the end result will be what it would have been if Richard was able to remain in charge. Hopefully for us all though, that isn't the case.



almost 16 years ago
Re: A huge THANK YOU!!!

Thank you Frank for setting this all up and following it through. It is nice to see everyone come together for a common goal. We sincerely appreciate all of your efforts and feel lucky to have you here with us. I am looking forward to hearing on Tuesday that all of our efforts have made the difference! Good luck to us all, and thank you again. :)


almost 16 years ago
Walk "in"

During my high school years there was a time when our teachers went on strike. Once they were back to teaching, they were not supporting any extra curricular activities, so all of our sports programs and any other after school programs were put on hold. As students, we were of course very frustrated and felt like we weren't being heard. So, together with a few friends, I organized a "walk-out" and at 10:00 a.m. one day our entire school walked out and made a statement. If we just stayed on school grounds, then it probably wouldn't have made much impact, but we walked up and down the major roads close to our school, blocking traffic and attracting the news stations, radio, etc.

I don't know if it would do any good, but I think everyone that plans to attend the AGM should plan a get together right out front of the main doors, prior to going in, showing their support for Richard Nemis & team and make a big scene "walking-in" together. Maybe it would attract even more attention. At that point it probably wouldn't help with votes, but it would help to make anyone in the surrounding area aware that something is going on! Just an idea to show our support for RN & Team :)

almost 16 years ago

This is a repost of Bentonstocks from earlier this morning. Once again I am reposting it for anyone coming on to find out how to vote if they did not already know. EVERYONE VOTE!!!!

The CONTROL NO. is a number you are given representing your shares. Everyone has a different number. Contact your broker, or the company you have your investing accounts with, if you do not have your control number. You will have a unique CONTROL. NO for holding of NOT shares in any of your accounts.

You need to have this number to vote online at, or by phone at 1-800-474-7493. Just follow the instructions - its very simple.

If you wish to support Noront and its current management team, you vote "FOR" (you follow the the recommendation of the current Directors of Noront).

To do this by mail, vote using the WHITE paper proxy form, and send it in the envelope provided, or to:


They need to receive your vote by October 23.



almost 16 years ago
Re: Vote your PROXY

As MISFIT1 posted earlier today, when we see excellent posts we should repost them so that anyone coming onto the boards can see them quickly, on the first page. This was Been There's original post but should be posted again to ensure everyone votes! I wasn't exactly sure how to go about voting at first so this was a helpful post. Thanks for all of the great information today everyone and please take the time to vote! I just did and it it was definitely for RICHARD & team!!!

Been There's Post:

Voting is easy. Go to, enter your control number, click the vote as recommended in the circular button and enter your email if you want proof of your vote. It took about 30 seconds to Vote.

Please vote. If you lost/threw out/the DOG ate it, your annual meeting package CALL your broker and they can give you your control number and you can vote on line.

Take the 30 seconds and VOTE!!!!

almost 16 years ago
Re: oh! oh!

Exactly my thoughts as well. I wouldn't be surprised if we end 'up' today since everyone has got to see that these are rock bottom prices. Congrats to those who are able to get more at these prices.

about 16 years ago
London, Ontario
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