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Braniff's Posts

Re: WWf isn't dead yet! Oscar Reply - Braniff reply

Oscar, please don't misunderstand - I would love nothing better than for wwf to succeed (although obviously at this point I am not expecting that to be the case). I am only mad at what I (and clearly others on this board) believe to be clear and intent posts or releases of misleading or not true or incomplete information. You can stay as positive as you want about the prospects for your investment, I have no issue with that - but I am choosing to not stay positive about people who purposefully in my opinion lied (and surprise surprise currently have nothing to say...). If you can say that you feel positively about that, than I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you...

over 13 years ago
Re: WWf isn't dead yet!

I agree, I know you say Oscar to just contact MF and he'll make you feel better, but in my opinion - the FACTS are that everything he has ever said, both privately to select shareholders and publicly has either turned out not to be true and had to be retracted, or has not come true - every deadline, every dollar amount, every deal - and now it's on to the next supposed deal - so seriously I wouldn't hold your breath on this one, because you will suffocate. The last PP that was done, the dollar amount supposedly necessary to get listed certainly wasn't $350K - how do you think the people that bought into that feel now, seeing that number!! (glad I wasn't one of them) Don't you see, if there was upfront and honest info shared about what was necessary, no one would have ponied up any money... that's the way I feel anyways, and to me that's the definition of a scam.

Maybe I'm wrong, and sure it would be great if this co. miraculously pulled out of this and traded again ever... but i doubt it

over 13 years ago
Re: To Foley and the Hub Leaders - why no responses?

Gumby? Roy? itaylor? where's the leadership on this hub? (at least skinny3 posted his thoughts) lots of unanswered posts directed your way lately? where's an update? where's anything? Always quick to post bs and respond previously?

over 13 years ago
Re: To Foley and the Hub Leaders

Skinny3 there was obviously huge risk in this stock right from the get go and anyone who bought in should have known that in making their decision - I for one am not mad at each of the hub leaders, more the 2 who pumped the bs out like they were professional septic tank cleaners, the 2 or 3 who were in contact with the co. and spread the wild rumours with huge headlines on here such as foley be welcomed back from africa with a hero's welcome, blah blah blah - straight up pumping - I think even you would have to admit that roy, itaylor and gumby wrote a lot of stuff that was as bad as if not worse than what the company wrote in their NR's that subsequently had to be retracted - I know they got the info from the company - but I also believe that their intent was to keep the crowd strung along and feeling good for reasons that I don't believe to be honorable.

I am not mad at anyone for me buying into wwf, my decision fully - I am the idiot there.

over 13 years ago
Re: We deserve an explanation.

I agree Brie - but like I said - I doubt we'll hear anything from Roy until there is some new bs to throw around about how wwf is 'ongoing and positive' blah blah blah

I'd love to hear the explanation though - I'd love to hear those people who supported this so strongly finally admit that they were lied to, and that they're sorry for spreading (and embellishing) those lies, as that's my take on what happened...

you could look at this as a 'setback' but really you have to be moving forward before you can be set back...

over 13 years ago
Re: Why would they do this???

yep, can't wait to hear the next big story about how we're still alive and kicking from trader roy or whoever - or perhaps another conference call will get everybody back on board with promises of more bs, who knows.

over 13 years ago
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