Blue Star's Profile

Born: Skeeters, Sweet Tea & Sweat

Blue Star's Posts

They know exactly what they are doing!

Just rambling on a Thursday afternoon...

Sometimes my stocks make me say: "Ugh!" Other times they make me say: "Yippee!"

I got into LBSR ages ago, because of Big Chunk. Remember Big Chunk? That proved to me that JB and Co can drill one hole in the ground and find what they were expecting to find. I can't remember how much drilling that hole in the middle of nowhere in Alaska cost. Anybody? $150,000? I'm sure some of you bright folks out there remember. That one core was worth millions, because it proved what was below! Sure was nice back then, to drill one hole and BANG! Nailed it! JB and Co know exactly what they are doing, in my opinion. That is why I have averaged down, down, down and have not sold a share of the millions I own.

I hope one day very soon, JB and Co will get the money. I hope one day very soon, the drill will move to the spot, where they are expecting to nail it again. I hope some day soon, we all will get to say: "Cowabunga!!!"

Which is much better than "Yippee!"

about 8 years ago
Finding Partners vs Raising Money?

In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between "finding partners" who will finance whole drilling Phases, and just "raising money" with a definite needed amount in order to begin drilling.

Up until now, JB and Team have constantly looked everywhere (and I mean everywhere) for well-heeled "partners", who would finance the whole thing. I agree that that should be the hopeful, official stance of the company, but as we have seen, such folks are tough to find nowadays. I get that.

But lately, JB and Co have made moves, showing they are just looking to "raise enough money" to put that neat looking drill (waiting and ready) in the ground. Meaning: When we raise enough money by selling shares, warrants, beads, tours of Arizona, singing lessons, whatever WE WILL DRILL!

Folks. ALL we are waiting on now is LBSR accumulating enough MONEY. It will happen (imo).

"From many little dollar bills, every million grows." (I just made that up!)

about 8 years ago
All we need is CASH!


For years I have watched JB and the LBSR team slowly (which often seemed like glacially), painstakingly, precisely do EVERYTHING necessary to get ready to drill at Hay Mountain. All of the legal requirements, permits, soil samplings, veggis samplings, testing, analyzing, archaelogcial studies. Waiting on the government to respond to all this has been excruciating. I can remember years ago getting excited at the ZTEM photos with the helicopters, planes, etc. I have poured over the maps many, many times. I have read posts on this website and the other ones faithfully. So why am I writing this?

Folks, for the first time ever at Hay Mountain, LBSR is completely ready to DRILL!

NOTHING more has to be done! All we need is CASH! (Join me in singing this to the Beatles tune "All we need is love!"). That is why I have accumulated more shares in the past weeks at these ridiculously low prices.

Its just my own opinion and I could be wrong, but I believe LBSR will get the money and LBSR will drill and find what JB and others have postulated is down there. Then...this thing will take off! Don't blame me if you miss the jump this time. All in my humblest opinion.

about 8 years ago
Re: Liberty Star's Phase 1 Exploratory Drilling at the Hay Mountain Project...

I, too, got very excited when I started reading the latest PR, but as I kept reading, I realized it was just a written account of what JB had already stated in the audio interview with AGORACOM (loved the pix of the Titan drilling rig!).

I do take heart in the fact that years ago LBSR was able to successfully find the goodies and drill a hole at BIG CHUNK in the middle of nowhere in Alaska, and pull out that beautiful blue core. Remember the pix of the cute little shacks they built? Does anybody remember what it cost LBSR to drill that hole in Alaska? Just wondering.

Anyway, in my opinion, drilling just down the road at Hay Mountain, should be a snap (compared to Alaska) once LBSR gets the 2 million dollars for Phase I at Hay Mountain.

I wonder what ever happened to those shacks in Alaska?

over 8 years ago
Re: How does Hay Mountain Compare Rosemont?


Many thanks for this, in my humble opinion, precise comparison.

I am more excited than ever to be invested in LBSR.

over 8 years ago
Share Price

If the SP goes down to .0016 again, then I will add a million shares, again, and further reduce my overall share price.

I, for one, am SO HAPPY that all the searching, digging, flying, sampling, writing, applying, permitting, and jumping through a thousand government hoops is finally behind us at HM, and we are ready to drill. It has taken YEARS to get here. I have learned to be patient. It has not been easy at times, but I believe it will be more than worth it. Just my opinion.

Of course, I want the SP to go up, but either way,...I am ALL IN, all the way.

over 8 years ago
Blue Star
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