Bankerman100's Profile

Bankerman100's Posts

Re: MNKD Monster Alert from google link...

I would be shocked if Matt didn't see to it that 2 separate PR's were released following completion of 1 and 2.......although..... I have been dissapointed several times in the past!

This does get the proverbial "clock" ticking towards final PDUFA submission and FDA Review.

I have posted several times on Yahoo that I believe the share price will be north of $5.00 following the trial completion announcements. However, the elusive partnership may be quite some time I believe an outright buyout would be of considerable additive benefit to the ultimate purchaser of both the TI technology as well as Afrezza. It is not simply an issue of future revenue stream or patent expirations, but also of complete market dominance....and bragging rights to boot!

The stock should continue to inch upward between trial completion and the scheduled August top line results......and be north of $6.00. At the time of FDA review and hopefully approval in March, 2014...or sooner if a compelling case is presented based upon "superiority"....the stock should be north of $8.00.

Please do remember that Matt has made it clear that it will take approximately 6 months following FDA approval to ramp up for the initial shipments of Afrezza. The manufacturing plant will still need a final inspection by the FDA...and the final labelling for the blister packs will take up some of this time as well. No one has asked at any of the recent CC's if the 1st filling line will be ready to go shortly after approval. I suspect the answer would be NO...for various technical reasons.


over 11 years ago
Re: Alliance deal of the year nominee: Tolero/MannKind

I whole heartedly agree with you OPC......if Afrezza is truly the "wonderdrug" it purports to be, then why no partnership, or atleast commercial alliance(s), after efficacy and safety are proven time and again to longer be issues?

It is obvious to me that the Pfizer's and Merck's of this world have not apparently yet bought in to this technology. Of course, the $50,000 question now remains what will change their opinions after the final....and I mean "FINAL"...clinical results are compiled and released in the Spring?

As far as Al going it alone, I think the chances of him squandering the remainder of his wealth and fortune are slim to none!

I recently spoke with our illustrious, but less than forthright CFO, Matt Pfeffer. I wanted to visit the manufacturing facility in the near future (my wife and I are planning on moving to the Danbury area in the near future). So, I asked him who I would need to speak with locally in order to stop by and tour our award winning "1st class facility"! However, I was told this couldn't be arranged....and I would not be allowed as a Shareholder to go inside the facilty. Kind of makes you wonder hmmmmmm......maybe they're concerned I would ask some questions they might not want to answer! You never know! But as a present CFO as well as CEO, and Matt knows this, it just doesn't pass the smell test!

My last concern is the statement by MNKD recently that upon FDA approval, it would take 6 months lead time to gear up the manufacturing plant for production purposes, if my memory serves me, the packaging problems have long been resolved with the, only final labeling would remain an issue. What the heck have they been doing in Danbury over the past 3+ years since the 1st CRL. Time is money...and they continue to advertise for position openings. Again, something doesn't seem right here as well. At a burn rate of lets say $30MM/qtr.....that's another 60 million between approval and product distribution!

Well, that's my 2 cents for now. I guess in a perfect world............


almost 12 years ago
Re: Silentbobsilent sorts out the Exubera Study

Every now and then...."Bankerman" had some words of wisdom to tell the Yahoo Board.


about 12 years ago
Re: Business As Usual ? are quite courageous to post such personal and sensitive information about your life and family in this open forum! However, I do feel your pain.....

Being a bank president/ceo for more years than I care to admit, I have been fortunate enough to be able to allocate some significant funds for "investments" such as MNKD. But I was hardly prepared to lose $100k, as I did, after the last CRL! My loss was "real" because I could not see myself doubling down through cost averaging going I know many others have done.

The $500MM shelf offering is now just another temporary obstacle in the road to FDA approval. But make no clearly indicates there are still NO partners willing to sign on at this moment. Even with some limited results now available within the unblinded study!

I recently decided to purchase some Options going out to Jan'14. However, my overall investment is a mere shadow of what I sold at a loss last year! I do agree with opc11 that we, as typically unsuspecting investors, have been sold a bill of goods by Al and Matt on many, many occasions during the past several years. You have to look no further than the recently settled lawsuit against MNKD.

But I continue to believe in the technosphere technology coupled with the hope that millions of insulin dependent children and adults around the world can appreciably improve their lives.


about 12 years ago
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