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Could Noront build a mine in the middle of nowhere?

Well here is a mine built by De Beers that is not too far from Noronts planned mine site and it's 6.5x3.5 Kilometers and very impressive and if Noront could just get the permitting issue solved, we could be well on our way.

If you would like to see the De Beers mine site go to the GPS coordinates on this site at,

(52.821, -83.903)

If you have never seen the mine site, it's very impressive.

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Type the lat and long coordinate values and press Convert button. Reverse geocoded address will shown on the map below.

Example: 39.920770


Reverse geocoded address:

Kenora, Unorganized, ON, Canada

Lat Long

(52.821000 , -83.903)

GPS Coordinates

52° 49' 15.6000'' N 83° 54' 10.8000'' W

Map Mouse Over Location

(54.153642, -89.281494)

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over 9 years ago

On March 20, I sent an email to the CEAA, asking them, "As an investor in Noront, I was wondering if and when we could expect some information regarding the permitting and approval of the Eagle's Nest Project?"

Well today I finally got a reply, even though a lot has happened since my email was sent.


Thank you for your interest in the federal comprehensive study of the Noront Resources Ltd. (the proponent) Eagle’s Nest Project (the Project). The purpose of this email is to respond to your request for information on the current status of the federal environmental assessment (EA) process, timelines and permitting associated with the Project.

Current Status

On December 20, 2013, the proponent released their draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) report. A copy of this report is available on the company’s website at The proponent’s draft EIS is not a formal step in the federal EA process. If you have any comments on the proponent’s draft EIS report you are encouraged to share your comments with them, and copy the Agency so we are also aware of your comments.

Next Steps

Once ready, the proponent will prepare their final EIS, based on the information requirements defined in the EIS Guidelines and comments received on their draft EIS. Aboriginal groups and public participants will have an opportunity to comment on a summary of the proponent’s final EIS. The proponent’s final EIS and summary will be posted on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry (

The Agency will review all comments received and will prepare a Comprehensive Study Report. This report will identify conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the Project, the proposed measures to avoid or mitigate those effects, and the significance of any remaining adverse environmental effects. Once prepared, there will be a public participation opportunity, which will be announced at a later date.

The Minister of the Environment (the Minister) will take into consideration the Comprehensive Study Report and comments received prior to issuing the EA decision statement. Federal departments and agencies will not issue any authorizations enabling the Project to proceed prior to the Minister’s decision.

If you have any additional questions please contact me at 416-952-5016 or by email at

Thank you,

over 9 years ago

I tried pasting the document and I think it worked.



Breadcrumb trail

  1. Home

  2. Registry

  3. Eagle's Nest Project

  4. Additional Information

  5. Public Notice - Federal Funding Allocated to Support Aboriginal Partic...

Public Notice
Eagle's Nest Project – Federal Funding Allocated to Support Aboriginal Participation in Environmental Assessment

January 22, 2015 — The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has allocated a total of $28,200 to Eabametoong First Nation to support its participation in consultation activities related to the environmental assessment of the proposed Eagle's Nest Project, located in Ontario.

This funding was made available to Aboriginal groups through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency, and will enable participation in upcoming steps of the environmental assessment, such as consultation related to the Environmental Impact Statement and the review of the Comprehensive Study Report.

For more information on the Participant Funding Program, the federal environmental assessment process and the project, please visit the Agency's website (Registry reference number 63925).

The Proposed Project

Noront Resources Ltd. is proposing the construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment of an underground nickel-copper-platinum multi-metal mine, an on-site metal mill, and a facility for the extraction of 358,000 cubic metres per annum of groundwater. The proposed mine, located approximately 540 kilometres north of the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario and 240 kilometres west of James Bay in the Ring of Fire mining area, would have an ore production capacity of approximately 2,960 tonnes per day, with an anticipated mine life of approximately 11 years. The on-site metal mill would have an ore input capacity of 2,960 tonnes per day.

Date modified:


over 9 years ago

The CEAA posted this today about the Eagle's Nest Project..

January 22, 2015- The CanadianEnvironmental Agency allocated $28,200 to support the participation in the environmental assessment of this project.

Now this might just be the start of the permitting for the Eagle's Nest Project.

There was actually more information from the CEAA but I don't have cut and paste privileges.

If someone else has todays CEAA report who can paste it, it might be worthwhile looking at.

over 9 years ago
Congratulations to Ross McElroy

Congratulations to Ross McElroy, the President and COO of Fission Uranium Corp., in winning the, Bill Dennis Award for a Canadian Discovery or Prospective Success for 2014.

Fission management is comparing this award to the same as winning the Stanley Cup but I think the odds of winning the Prospective Award are alot higher than winning the Stanley Cup because the NHL has 30 teams eligible where the Prospective Award probably has at least 500 mines that are eligible.

Fission seems to be progressing well in their discovery and you can see it in their share price and News Releases.

It seems like only yesterday (2009) when this same prestigious award was handed to the "Ring of Fire Discoverers", Richard Nemis, John Harvey, Don Hoy, Neil Novak and Mackenzie Watson for their great discovery.

Since winng the award in 2009, not much progress has been made in the ROF. The Government is still in the process of " Getting It Right" and if you are an investor and if this inept Government dosen't make your blood boil, then you must have invested very little.

There must be some way, we as investors, can hold the Governments feet to the fire and get the message to these incompetent decision makers that enough is enough.

The major discovery was in 2007 and here it's 2014 and a shovel has not even hit the ground yet for infrastructure. Disgraceful.

over 10 years ago
Re: Thunder Bay chamber of Commerce luncheon was today about ROF


It was nice to see that you are also upset with the constant mantra, "Getting it right" from our elected politicians.

Back in Sept. /13, I sent an e-mail to Kathleen Wynne asking her why her Government was stalling the progress of the ROF. I told her what they were doing was disgusting and it didn't make any sense. I told her that a road was a no brainer and it would unlock 24,000 landlocked FN, it would speed up progress for the inevitable mines to be etc, etc, etc.

Anyway I went on and on explaining my disapointment and I told her that if she was to answer my e-mail, please don't patronize me with a generic letter.

Well sure enough I receive a response from Kathleen Wynne and it was generic and patronizing as she said in her e-mail. "We have to make sure we are" "Getting it right". She also said that she would hand my concern over to her Minister of Natural Resources, Michael Gravelle.

Three weeks had gone by and I finally get a response from Michael Gravelle and he told me that my letter was important and he understood my concerns and he wanted me to know that they were working diligently on the area and one of his major concern was in "Getting it right".

After I read Michael Gravelle's letter I was disapointed in his response and I was so sick of the mantra, "Getting it right" that I didn't bother posting on this site because I knew how inept our Government was and they were the ones holding back progress and there was not a dam thing I could do about it.

I kept thinking that the Chunnel between France and England took 6 years to build and in 2007, Noront discovered a rich nickel find at Eales Nest which was the start of what will be a major mineral find and this area should be mined for the next 100 years. Also at the same time the "One World Trade Center" started construction and when the Trade Center is complete it will be the tallest building in the USA and it will be the third tallest building in the world.

Well, the One World Trade Center is complete and we are still at the stage of ,"Getting it right". In over 6 years a shovel has not even hit the ground in the ROF for infrastructure and that just drives me crazy because it makes no sense and Babjak1, when I read your post on "Getting it right", I just had to vent and I hope you don't mind.

over 10 years ago
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High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)