Alibaba1's Profile

World traveler.Skier of the boreal forest and tundra,I spent most of my teaching career in Northern Quebec,as well as sojourns in Hazelton,B.C.,Sept-Iles,Que.Kuala Lumpur,St.Paul's River on Quebec's Lower North Shore.I also have worked in Toronto and Montreal where I am presently retired.

Alibaba1's Posts

San Antonio Stealth Mine

Whoa! We're the only gold stock up today. I certainly liked what I read today. It sounds to me that despite all the bullshit, the boys have managed to pull it off and build a real gold mine.... in Canada. Yeah!

about 12 years ago
Re: Record Production in Q1 2012

I guess, if it hasn't changed by now, we are stuck with a grade of 5.5 g. per ton in the, new mechanized mine, that they are well on their way to building at Rice Lake. So maybe we can live with that as long as the cost per ounce produced decreases and the tons milled increases. I noticed that they didn't mention in the NR the cost to produce an oz. of the yellow stuff however.

over 12 years ago
Re: Maybe!!

I remember that Mr.Ferrera, the head geologist at San, once said that when two zones converge the grades can go nuts. I suspect that they probaby have drilled just such an area and the core contains lots of visable gold. More importantly, if the width of the intercept is also much longer than the usual 1 meter we will make up all the ground we have lost and then some over the last couple of years. 10 ounces over a true width of 3 meters would make all of us real happy campers.

over 12 years ago
Spiralling Down the Vortex

It's okay folks, the crazy vertigo we are experiencing will soon stop. At our present rate of descent, we only have a dozen days to go before the stock is worth zero. I'm not quite sure but I'm willing to bet, that this the largest disconnect that has ever occurred between the POG and gold stocks.

over 12 years ago
Brave New World

Ah! If we could just get another boss everything would be alright in Sanland right? Think again, there is nothing inherently wrong with Dale, George , and Hughie as far as I can make out, except they... exaggerate a little too much. The real problem is the difficulty of the task that confronts them. They should be complimented on their achievements thus far in regards to their efforts to build a modern mine in what is an extremely difficult orebody from which to extract the gold. This is the opposite of an open pit mine in which the ore grade is boringly consistent. In Rice Lake you move a foot and your grade can go from 10 ounces of Au to the ton to 1 gram to 10 tons. Back in the old days the way of dealing with this problem was to give a stick of dynamite and a pick and shovel to a bunch of really tough guys, so that they could carve the stuff out with a minimum amount of waste rock....and nobody got really rich in the process. We no longer live in that world.

There are other, macro reasons why our stock went from, $5 to a buck fifty. There is a huge anomaly presently going on between the pog and the price of especially the junoir gold stocks. This is an untenable situation and is bound to change soon. I still think this stock could be $20 a share... one friday. Cheers, everyone and GLTA.

over 12 years ago
Re: SGR and Mental Health

I to find SGR's share price is beyond my ability to comprehend. Both the accounting side and the geologic side, of this stock are equally unfathomable to me. The thing that I think is the most disturbing so far however, and the most important factor, is the mystery of the real grade of the ore, after dilution, of the hinge zones. It would be great to get Mr. Ferrera's comments, at the AGM, on the hinge zone bulk sample @ 9 g. per ton vs. 5 for the stuff that they were milling. As for the accounting part good luck trying to figure out what the human brain can cook up.

over 12 years ago
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