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Akerman's Posts

Re: Shoal Point

I don't know Rico. Ive gotten excited about this to many times already. I like an old dog now just taking it as it comes.

All jokes aside it is nice to see some movement in the SP. Hopfully SHP drags CQV up the ladder to.

Good Luck

almost 13 years ago
Re: shoal Point

This is definitely a step in the right direction. But you have to be a bit cautious when they say stuff like "pending final reciept of all permits" I don't like it when our timeline is reliant on other people....but thats it nothing but a waiting game.

Steve to the BOD is good to see as well. Maybe he came back to finish off what he started.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Still having trouble beleiving what happened....10%

Hey rico

I know what you are saying there are some benefits to but for the average investor it wasn't good news.

I mean when it comes down to it we now have 10% as opposed to 19.75% so it is really only 9,75% less which is practically half but I will take half of of what we have as opposed to holding CQV and watching them go bankrupt and the stock being de-listed.

I guarentee that if they have what they think they have then even small CQV shareholders will make money. Something is better then nothing....which was the only other option.

Not every hit is a homerun you have to take what you can get.

almost 13 years ago
Still having trouble beleiving what happened....10%

ITs actually kind of unreal. For a company like CIVC to at one point have so much owership of a play like what the Green Point Shales is and now to see it reduced to only owning 10% stake in SPE who has come in and pretty much taken over is crazy.

I mean maybe we should have seen this coming with all the finicial troubles that they have went through in the past....but still the average shareholder just got completely f*#ked on this one.

We now only own 10% of SPE which is just about half of what we owned a little while ago while on our own. I bet that SPE can hardly beleive what is happening.

A friend of mine from the west coast told me back in 2008 when we were working together up in the NWT that his buddy was working at Shoal Point doing some heavy equipment work. I mentioned to him that I had bought into CQV and he told me that his friend said not to go near them. Try and buy SPE but they weren't public at the time. He said that CIVC didn't have a F-ing clue what they were doing and only for SPE they would have run the project and drilling operations into the ground. I laughed and thought oh well one mans opinion but now I think I should have sold earlier this year when we were at 8-9 cents and bought SPE.....oh well guess thats why Im not rich from the stockmarket.

whats everyone elses take on this?

almost 13 years ago
Re: News Release

Hey NL.

I have idea what it means. I have never heard tell of this until I read the News Release. I had to double check the top of the page to make sure it was from Canadian Imperial.

We continue to wait. Hopefully it will be worth it.

about 13 years ago
Re: News Release

I have no idea what this has to do with anything. Maybe slight of hand. Makes no sense to me. This is not what we are going to make money on. Useless news release. And we wait.


about 13 years ago
St.John's, NL
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