APizzle's Profile

APizzle's Posts

Re: Things are heating up....

Therealist, you say "you need to hear both sides before a decidion is made". I agree, but you've been hearing Managements side for the past year, and frankly, it doesn't hold much merit. To me the decision is VERY clear. VOTE GREEN. The link you provided about James E. Rainbird isn't coming out of the woodwork, it's right in the Dissidents Circular on page 12 & 13. They're not hiding anything.




almost 12 years ago
Re: Watch for Halt

Long Ball,

To be realistic is great. That's why I believe in the facts. Facts speak truth. As you have the right to express your opinion, Sculpin too has the right to express his and support his investment. At least he is able to back up his opinions and statements with cold hard facts. You've neglected to aknowledge any of the questions in his post. I believe it's fine to have a different opinion but please support it.


over 12 years ago
Trading Halt

IIROC Trading Halt – PPI

VANCOUVER, March 30, 2012 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by IIROC:

Company: Passport Potash Inc.

TSX-Venture Symbol: PPI

Reason: At the Request of the Company Pending News

Halt Time (ET): 10:51 AM ET

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) can make a decision to impose a temporary suspension of trading in a security of a publicly listed company, usually in anticipation of a material news announcement by the company. Trading halts are issued based on the principle that all investors should have the same timely access to important company information. IIROC is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada.

over 12 years ago
Re: What If?


Put all speculation aside. Sounds to me like you've lost sight of the REAL FACTS. I would recomend you spend some more time on the SLI website, re-read some NR's and the 43-101, peruse the Link Library, and research Quantec Geoscience. I'm not a doctor but to be invested in SLI requires a strong stomach and incredible patience.


over 12 years ago
Re: Activity for this week

Excellent post dogy. I am a first time poster but religious reader. A good friend of mine and fellow SLI share holder got me into this stock only two years or so ago. And, since, been using a portion of my hard earned money to increase my holdings in this company. I'd like to express a sincere thank you to all the Hub Leaders for all their hard work and keeping the rest of us in the know. I have learned so much from all of you.

Perhaps the events which unfolded this week were things that needed to happen. There's been a lot of speculation going around. We wanted news, we got it, wether you see it as positive or negative. There have been some ill feelings posted about SLI and management as a whole. I believe this “shake down” was a great way to test ones emotions, feelings and how well we can stomach this roller coaster. We're only as strong as our weakest share holder. I see it as a good way to “trim some extra fat” of uneasy and restless share holders who believe in the get rich quick schemes, not the story of SLI. SLI is not a scheme. I feel what we're left with is a stronger share holder base that are here till the bitter end. Like they say, patients is a virtue. To be a share holder in SLI you need patients.

This week was also a great time to strengthen ones position as a share holder. I know I did.

Calmly in for the Long Haul


over 12 years ago
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