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Re: Can Anyone Provide a Quick Synopsis of Where We Are?

thanks! I kept hearing about the T3 and was ignorant. So we expect an answer soon then? Thanks again

over 12 years ago
Can Anyone Provide a Quick Synopsis of Where We Are?

I have owned stock for a few years and pay attention to the board usually a couple of times a week but being a noob and not owning a huge dollar amount of stock I don't follow as intensely as some of you do.

Can anyone just do a quick synopsis of where we are and where we are headed? I knew we had a ruling in our favor and then it was blown basically by TPL. Now what are we waiting for? We had another final ruling coming up, correct?

sorry for the ignorance, but I'm sure I'm not the only one

Thanks in advance

over 12 years ago
Re: 7539 / Re: PTSC Standings

I did actually catch it but assumed you were caught up in the moment!

Thanks for the info...I tend to check in occasionally but not for the day to day battle.

It just is strange for a company that had so much promise two or three (or more) years ago is still mired in controversy and stuck at a pittance per share...

over 13 years ago
PTSC Standings

i have to admit, I don't follow this board daily, mainly because of all the chatter and conjecture that don't really help anything...I was wondering if anybody could provide an update of where we are and where we are hoping to be in the next twelve months? Obviously none of us are psychic; however, we thought that after the patent re-exam that the price would move up but it didn't...then everybody complained about the BOD...

Where are we as far as the patent exams and so forth...in layman's terms...

a brief recap would be great not only for me but for anyone considering buying in...

Thanks in advance

over 13 years ago
Penny stocks...all in the timing

I know I don't post much and my knowledge level is LOW compared to the rest of you....I know everybody is anxious to hit the big one...we've all heard of those that go gold overnight and everybody drives Porsches...ME TOO!

Unfortunately, this stock is not one of those...It acts more like a long term investment than an overnight fortune maker...we have a long road to travel before we make the big time...

It remind me of Wal-Mart - being from the hometown of WalMart, let me explain...

they opened on the market in 1970. My mom had some shares in the 80's but it was slow going and finally she sold out, disappointed...

BUT =- like PTSC, Wal-Mart had a good foundation for the investment. It just takes time....

1000 original shares of Walmart purchased in 1970 at $16.50 per share would be worth 1.9 million now.

Now, we're not Wal-mart - far from it....but we're not Russian Oil or Gold either...we have a tangible court approved "product" that can't be taken away from us now.

AND - this board is the face of PTSC, no doubt about it. New investors looking to buy into something cheap are gonna find out about it through us...

So - have courage...I know full well that some of you invested a lot of cash and are nervous anxious and impatient - I don't blame you and I'm sorry...I have very little invested, so I'm safe....I feel for you...

However, it's gonna happen for us....just not today, next week, or even in six months...

Let it play out and be BRAVE!


almost 15 years ago
Penny Stocks

I would just like to say that I have invested in several "Penny Stocks" over the last five years. In each and every case, the stock was pumped and then dumped...period. There was, in each and every case, message boards like this one in which "learned" members alternately pumped the stock or complained incessantly about the BOD, the way the stock was being handled, or a myriad of other complaints. Others would see rainbows around every corner. Blah blah blah - it's all a lot of nonsense. They were all crap.

Except this one. I bought this stock fairly high, as pennies go. I didn't risk my life savings because I'm not that stupid or I'm not seeing enough rainbows. But I have seen it drop.

This stock is the real deal. This isn't Russian gold or oil. It's a tangent, valuable patent that is going to make money. It has everything going for it, and, as of tonight, very little against it.

It's not going to do it tonight or tomorrow so forget it. Maybe not next week or month. maybe next year, maybe 2011. Of all of the stocks I have reviewed in this price range, one would be foolish to believe it will not go up from here, because of the proven intrinsic value. But not like a shooting star that blazes and then disappears. More like the way a tree grows, slow and strong with bad years and good years.

RELAX and let it do it and let the BOD do their job. I can almost assure you, they know more about it than we do.


almost 15 years ago
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