1998BMWZ3's Profile

1998BMWZ3's Posts

Re: Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world

It takes at least ten years to become an instant success!

over 7 years ago
Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world

I beleive that management is doing everything that they can to provide long term success for Poet and doing it as quickly as possible. Startups struggle with finances to get a product ready for market, than struggle to get production rolling, then struggle to get sales, then struggle to increase production, then struggle to get the finances to develop the next product, and onward goes the cycle. The big companies have it a bit easier as previous successes have left them with all of the previously mentioned resources. With Poet we are still building toward that first successful product. As much as the recent financing hurt, the alternative to sell rights or sell outright would have hurt as much or more in the long run. I see positives in the latest news although it has been too long since we have had anything except assurances on the VCSEL which is concerning, however the ramp up and hiring helps to balance the lack of update. I personally will be patient for a few more years to see where this goes.   

over 7 years ago
Re: warrant money

Walconst, The beauty of a warrant is that it is a risk free investment. You own the right to it without paying for it. The only reason that a person would buy it before the deadline would be to sell it at a profit. If the owner of the warrant sees the upside of this company, as most of us do, they will leave it until the end. I really don't see much revenue from warrants in the near term. 

almost 8 years ago
Re: Just a reminder that we have been there before and returned

That is comforting Maing! I feel like the kid in the back seat asking "are we there yet" waiting for the 28th. Not that I expect any really good news, because if there was good news it would have likely been released already. Unless the 28th was set up to coincide with the results of the VCSEL. But we are so oversold right now that even the steadying news of a new timeline will take the pressure off!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Lesson Learned

I have never sold a share of Poet but readily admit that I should have. The traders are just averaging down, just like those of us who bought more shares, and take some risks doing it. All should be allowed on this forum unless they start to get personal which I think this is starting to become. I tune out when that happens as well as when all of the conspiracy theories start to come out. there are things to be learned from everyone.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Lesson Learned

Some of us have suggested that we need both sides of story, if for nothing else, to temper the dreams of pending riches with a dose of reality! I know for me the reality is good thing.

almost 8 years ago
St. Catharines
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