St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

 SLI investors have incurred several instances of "flawed democracy" during our search for justice in Canada. From a 91% shareholder vote being ignored by a Justice to lies that have cost investors millions of dollars with no authoritative action. Our rights have been totally ignored and actually insulted to varying degrees. Having said this, I have great belief that the SLI shareholders will receive some form of justice in the near future, and this is partially why........

 The recent U.S. election blatantly indicated just how many Americans are "Awake". I know there are many Canadians "Awake" as well, and the evidence for this is readily found by anyone that takes a little time and see how Canadians are promoting the truth of injustices through more and more Canadian blogs, as well as social media. Also, a walk on the street and opening a conversation with some, will give One some incredible insight of what the people really are feeling, and more importantly, the injustices they faced at the hand of government. I travel around a lot and meet many new people, they all have stories to tell about the injustices they faced or knew someone that did, when the subject came up. The blinders are coming off so many people and this veil being lifted is accelerating.

 Around half of the U.S. people did Not vote in the recent election. This shows that a very considerable portion of the population does Not support any type of government. The quarter that voted for Trump are conditional, meaning that if their consent is withdrawn from Trump, a total upset occurs. I believe I do not need remind anyone here how the economics and system of the U.S. affects Canada.

 Two years ago in July, only 11 million Canadians filed tax returns out of approx 23 million at that time. That is a staggering number and aligns very closely with the percentages of voter turnout for the recent U.S. election. There may be no public info on these figures, because my info came from a somewhat inside connection.


 So what you are actually seeing, is great change coming. When governments lose this much credibilty with the people, they are on the brink of collapse, unless extreme measures are taken at restoring justice and integrity within the system. However, once a breach of trust becomes as huge as it is now, I believe the situation is irreparable.

 The report below signals something very important and a few great events that are mentioned as contributing factors, have theories attached, that some call conspiracy theories.

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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