St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to molson200's message

I understand Molson how difficult it is to discern and judge a situation without having every possible fact and as much information as possible. It is always when there are things missing that allows for preconceptions. All that one may do with having limited info, is to arrive at a temporary conclusion, allowing for this conclusion to expand as more information enters. There is also the accreditation aspect to consider.

 Sometimes, non trust blocks other pertinent info, it is always best to keep open to new info, whether it has been substantiated or not. Any and all unsubstantiated info can always be analysed by a process of elimination at a later date to assure if the info is credible, or at least, circumstantial.

 It is easy for me to say these things for I fortunately had the time and liberty to speak with many that had transactions with SLI and did forms of business with our company. During my investigations it was relatively easy to see who was lying and who was not, by supplying them with a constructed set of questions designed to trap them if they were lying, this allowed for a greater discernment for me in evaluating the truth. I do not intend to say this out of ego nor conceit, I have found liers in my investigation, and also Ones that were telling the truth that had fear attached to what they shared.

 John Brophy did indeed have ties with Barrick, however, Barrick is crumbling and no longer has the intimidating force it once had upon anyone resisting their plans. At the same time, you have employees of this company wishing to clear their individual conscience.

 Minera Santa Elisa was/is Johns company. This entity was initially set up for several reasons, of which one reason, was for legalities. For SLI to operate in Peru, it required an established Peruvian based company, to do transactions through and maintain records for the Peruvian authoritative agencies as per Peruvian Law. Although SLI news releases say that Minera Santa Elisa is our subsidiary, there are other conditions that are not made public to the foriegn investors and is not required by law to be so, that suggest and even prove, other ownership and interest. Just because a news release says that Minera Santa Elisa is SLI,s, does not mean it is the actual case, just as Geneva (I believe it was Geneva Resources without consulting my notes), found that there was an unregistered agreement when it attempted to further enhance its option agreement with SLI, which evidently, turned out in a court case that was rather hushed and settled outside of court as to not reveal to the shareholders and public, that the claim Lori publicly made about the Vilcoro being 100% owned, was actually a fabrication, a fraudulent act. Just another fraudulent act that may have never got to the BCSC and RCMP during their investigations but I believe it was included in one of my submissions and hopefully made it through to them so that we may see how the authorities viewed this fraudulent incident.

 In reality, all forms of government are dissolving at this time under very impressive disclosures of evidence that they cannot deny nor reasonably justify. This means, that if SLI shareholders wish to save part of their investment, it is crucial that they collaborate in securing the properties as their interest and bypassing all Government/judicial proceedings. It is the investors choice to join forces with John and company and be proactive, in event of SLI FOLDING SOON.

 Shareholders have a company set up, I suggest to directly approach John and Minera Santa Elisa to secure a contract, and subsequently, your interests, BEFORE SLI defaults.

 Lori is done, she has been thrown "under the bus" by the very ones that used her, but she still has choices, of which one choice is, reveal the Truth.

Rick Jewers

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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