St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company


Writing a book would be a great idea but keep in mind that it would be nothing more than a fictional tale of tormented souls. Your theories have never been proven. Not one from the mountain of gold all the way down to the corruption being used to keep you from your fortune. If you want to write a factual representation of the events as they unfolded you need to actually understand the events. You simply refuse to accept some blatant and obvious truths like stock prices collapsing on bad results. No it is not always manipulation when a stock price falls. Sometimes it is very much justified!


In additional to understanding the facts and events you must be able to organize and present them in an easily understandable format. Your long history of writing incoherent drivel on Agoracom indicates you are not able to transition your thoughts into written words. There are some basics to writing that you could quickly learn which would greatly improve this process for you so don’t feel that this is a negative but rather a minor hurdle to overcome.


You also must not look over your poor grasp of the English language. This is where things get complicated because even if you learn to organize and present your thoughts and ideas into a coherent framework you still require the linguistic tools to make it happen. Your history of posts demonstrates that while you have and impressive vocabulary you are unable to use it properly. In some cases you use words that don’t really fit your intended purpose and in other cases you simple use the wrong word all together giving the appearance that you probably used a thesaurus and pulled out a word at random to stick into a sentence.


Further compounding the issue surrounding your use or words is your inability to comprehend grammar. I understand that grammar is tricky for the best of us, including myself, but you don’t even seem to know when to use “me” or “I”. Basics confuse you.


So at the end you are left with a problem when you have a great story to tell and an inability to tell it. If you tell it without proper coaching, editing, and reviews, your poor use of language will have you passed off as an ignorant hack.


I would suggest that someone else take the time to write the story. If he is still lurking in the rhubarb we need to call on Stewie! That guy knows how to write and can probably work with you to get the story out. Would anyone second the motion to track down Stewie to write the book?


I would also like to point out that writing is FREE. Prior to asking for money to help write a book – WRITE THE BOOK! When it is ready for publication you publish a few excerpts from the book to Agoracom and Stockhouse. If the writing is of acceptable quality and the content is sufficient you will undoubtedly get plenty of money pledged to your cause. If you present me with book that is of sound quality and publication worthy I would certainly make a donation to see it published. In fact, I could send you to a few small publishers that I have dealings with.  I would expect that the profits of the book, in proportion to the donations made, be donated to charity. If you are able to earn the money to publish the book on your own then you are free to do as you wish with the profits. I personally don’t want to give you money for your personal gain. I don’t really want to see anyone profit from this massive travesty!

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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