St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
almost 8 years ago

We have on an audio recording Harold Waller of Energold proclaiming that Bradely Brothers Drilling drilled a few holes before Energold ever started drilling. This admission by Harold carries a heavy revelation of some of the deceit that accompanies this investment. To quickly share once again, there are NO news releases saying that Bradely ever drilled, BUT, Bradely DID drill. And, if you look at the timing, Bradely would have drilled before June 1 2011, which would have given Lori considerable time to receive results before she announced a PP in Aug of that year. I must mention here because it is connected, that Lloyd went to Peru in Jan 2011 and brought back in a brief case a segment of enriched drill core. If you look at all dates with this, you will see, that by following news releases, this would/should be impossible. Nevertheless, I am comfortable to say that it was exactly known by some how rich the Tesoro really is, despite what was publicly released.

We have consulted a group of professional geo,s and such to the count of 20 plus that opine the Tesoro to be big and worthy of the historical data.

Contact made with past employees/contacts of SLI management also expose information not released to the public as well a quite clear direction to what is being covered up. Some, if not all, should/will be contained in several investigative reports that are obtainable. If proper proceedure was followed by the BCSC and TSX Compliance departments, aspects of this proof should be contained within those reports and are publicly available, if not, it furthers to varying degrees to incriminate the investigative units and the individual employees for obstructing justice and abetting in a conspiracy of deceit and concealment, this is an aggressive act of threatening national securities of the Canadian people. Their job, as purveyed to the public, is to protect the public interest, not to oppress and supress the publics chances at any form of justice. Because of the severity of crimes as such, even individual employees of these investigative arms are not immune to higher courts of justice, and definitely not protected by their government, if the government is part of the criminal activity.

I am going to be blunt, the game was up a long time ago and it is very indicative by the actions of authority and prominent posistions connected to this investment directly. In the beggining of media contact by SLI investors, the media came back early with responses of dropping the story, although some very enthused and excited, because " we are unable to give this story the justification it deserves". It became very blatant then that the media were ordered to step down from any coverage on this story because it would reveal too much of the exact corruption that enables financial markets to operate as they do, the truth would fold the financial system/s. One of those main truths is how financial institutions are allowed to manipulate stock prices, while actually under the criminal code of Canada of which they are supposed to be subject to, it is illegal.


Rick Jewers

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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