St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I am pleased to announce, the total demise of Barrick Gold. It began bigtime in 2011/2012, when they more prominently interferred with the SLI saga. Although Barricks total existence encompassed many acts of greed, their orchestrations connected to SLI, was the straw to break the camels back.

The present "criminal complaint" by Mountain Star Gold, (posted a bit ago by me), is not only instrumental in the destruction of Barrick, but ALSO, the destruction of the BCSC. BARRICK HAS BEEN NOTORIOUS in infiltrating all aspects of government, judicial, regulatory, etc, to acheive their existence of greed. Over the years, many politicians, financiers, authorities etc, around the globe, have been bought off by Barrick and also, intimidated to various degrees. The very conspicuous illegal acts of Barrick has seen in more recent times, politicians etc, conjoined to Barricks personnel, in order for them to receive payment for past deeds under the guise of for example, becoming a director which received many trading shares of Barrick, as well as huge salaries, that were unfounded by any economic logic. You were witnessing Barrick paying for the favours they received BEFORE the Barrick entity goes under. It was known a few years back by the greed, that Barrick could NOT be salvaged, hence the race by certain puppets to take positions in Barrick, to get paid for past services, as the Barrick pot got divied, and of course, at the expense of the Barrick shareholders.

The "criminal complaint" will later, transition into a "criminal charge" against the BCSC. As you can prematurely see, there is documented proof by a judicial body outside of Canada, that places an agency of government, the BCSC, in a position of total jeopardy. This is very IMPORTANT and instrumental in any future legal proceedings by SLI investors and ALL other investor groups that have suffered huge losses as a direct result of illegal acts by regulators. An interesting "confusion" will arise from the above legal proceedings by Mountain Star, whereas a Canadian Majistrate WILL NOT be able to hear and try the case. This will happen because any Majistrate of the Queen, CANNOT BE IMPARTIAL because of the judges OATH of office, ( which swears allegiance to the Queen, of which the BCSC is an agency thereof. An International Court could receive this case, BUT, BECAUSE OF THE NATURE of ALL GLOBAL markets, more importantly, the criminal based foundation, a COMMON LAW COURT set up by the people, would eradicate most of the impartiality required to justly decide this case. It sounds very complicated I know, but because of written law and accepted constitution, the end result of all effects, will be a COMMON LAW COURT.

There are more legal and real reasons why many complications with this charge and case will arise, but I will refrain comment at this time, to assure strategy, if required in future proceedings.

Back to Barrick. Barrick is ALSO NOTORIOUS in the same and very acts of intimidation, that some of you more prominent and voiceful shareholders have suffered. Barrick also has in the BCSC, as CHEIF INVESTIGATIVE GEOLOGIST, one of their own. Many Barrick people, reside at RBC. Many Barrick people, resided within your government. Nigel Wright and Stephen Harper, are only two interests in the SLI/ Barrick events.

Stay tuned to very important events steadily unfolding that concern your SLI investment, and more. Stand your ground and stand higher at this time if you may. Spread YOUR story and this unfolding story, far and wide. Be instrumental in creating the awareness with as many as you may, as you participate and create the just change that is presently being created. It is written; the demise of corruption and slavery. You have been wronged, the tables have been turned, NOW proceed to take back what is rightfully yours.

BRE-X will surface again, once more truth is revealed.

A $35 billion low ball offer may be in the cards.

IMF is involved.

Many mid to top teir gold execs KNOW about Tesoro.

The remaining greed quotient KNOWS about Tesoro.

to be continued.....

Rick Jewers

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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