St. Elias Mines

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in response to SantaClaus24's message

Thank you Steve for bringing this up.

To keep it as simple as I may, there needs to be a broader understanding of the reader, to really grasp any written or verbal material in its entirety. The best way for a reader to do this, is to go into the understanding, with an open mind. If One enters attempting to understand what another has written, with a preconceived notion of the author or events surrounding what the author is writing, they alter the message themselves, to perhaps fit a misconstrued interpretation, or simply, to hear what they wish and not what the author is actually saying.

The English language is indeed confusing to even the highest scholars, when you look at the definitions of words and find with some words, two definitions for the same word that seem to contradict each other. Lexicographers are influenced by justice systems as well as political, for intentional reasons. To perhaps to make it easier for some to better understand what an author is saying, is considering the context and subject in a sentence , to better interpret which meaning/definition of a word, the author may be using. It is not the author that is confused, but at many times, it is the one reading that becomes confused, sometimes by their own misunderstanding. I put an example below of how a words multiple definitions may become confusing for some, if they have preconceived notions or intents, towards an author.

verb: profess; 3rd person present: professes; past tense: professed; past participle: professed; gerund or present participle: professing
  1. 1.
    claim openly but often falsely that one has (a quality or feeling).
    "he had professed his love for her"
    synonyms: declare, announce, proclaim, assert, state, affirm, avow, maintain, protest;More
    "he professed his love"
    make out;
    informallet on
    "she professed to loathe publicity"
  2. 2.
    affirm one's faith in or allegiance to (a religion or set of beliefs).
    "a people professing Christianity"
    synonyms: affirm one's faith in, affirm one's allegiance to, avow, confess
    "the emperor professed Christianity"
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