St. Elias Mines

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in response to Newman963's message

Actually and initially, I proclaimed that I AM A CHRIST. It is very apparent that many of you did not read the post in its entirety, and also formed a preconceived notion on what I was actually saying and what you would accept. As in your dictionary, there are many definitions/interpretation of the same word.

And, I am laughing with you Newman when I read this what you wrote; " now you have become God? Sorry I can't support that". . I know how incredulous it MAY HAVE sounded to most when I shared that I am a Christ, but I didn't say then that I was God, I said that Father (God) asked for me to share with anyone who I am. When I receive a request as such, I never ask why anymore, I just comply. And I do this out of full trust because of the beautiful and powerful impossibilities that I was shown. In my early years, I was an atheist, a true skeptic that had to see something to believe it. This was the same skeptic that left no rock unturned in researching this investment , to assure that this Tesoro was really what it was promoted to be. I researched and researched, diligently, tediously and meticulously, until I was completely satisfied that this Tesoro was real beyond reasonable doubt.

It was after my research and shortly after the death threats, when God came to me. I still did not believe in God then and thought it some sort of trick. I said, "ok God, if you are real, you have to show me something very extreme to prove that you are real". Within a few hours, and after I really forgot about asking God this, because I still didn't believe then, I did not expect anything to happen, it happened..... Since that day about 4 years ago, so many impossible things have happened around me, and continue each day. These impossible things, as may be viewed by someone else, have become a norm for me. I surrendered fully to God (Father) and I serve, and I can assure you that God is very real. And I can also assure you that there is definitely nothing out of whack with me, when others have stood beside me and witnessed amazing things, that we were shown by God.

5 years ago, had SOMEONE come on this forum, or anywhere for that matter, proclaiming they were a Christ, I would have reacted the same as most of you are now. I would have most likely banned them and pass them off as a tin foil hat bearer or a basher sent to distort. So, I fully understand where you are coming from, because what I say does sound incredulous to a degree to some of you here and is definitely hard to accept, but, that does not negate the fact either, that it is real. Just because you may not believe it, nor may not be ready to accept it, does not mean that it is not real. I did not think it was real either at first, until I had no choice other than to believe.

Where does that leave us and how does my proclamation play into this investment? Well, actually, there is a huge Divine presence here, but it doesn't mean that we will all become the millionaires and billionaires that we should have become, had this been a just world. Lessons are being learned here, but what is more important, that many of you are awakening to the corruption, in preparation for what is to come. As I have said before, this had to happen, no matter the outcome, be it favorable for us or not.

Now Molson, will you please share with us how sometimes while you were researching SLI things, that things would seem to coincidently come to you? Calculate the odds associated with any coincidence, and perhaps ask, "is it really a coincidence, or is something else behind this?"

Kherson, if you do not mind, will you also share how ALL the right stuff came to you while revealing and discovering corruption in the other stocks that you were in, that most of the SLI investors know little to nothing about? Do you really think it is by chance?

I do not know what will come out of this investment, but I do know it is important to stay together and keep proding forward. So I ask all of you, to make the choice, to put all our differences aside and continue forward. Molson has shared the investigation is still open, with that statement comes hope and positivity. You know perhaps, because of how well we are informed, the regulators and authorities may have no choice but to act. I fully believe they have no choice but to act if they wish to salvage any integrity the markets may have, and temporarily keep them intact. But I do assure you, that if financial markets are to survive in the near term, they must undergo a complete overhaul which would constitute a shut down of markets to impliment changes that would be based on integrity. But, to be fully open with you, I do not see any financial system surviving what is coming.

On another positive note, there are very good things coming in the near future. How quick they get here, depends upon the masses upon the planet. I am seeing great forward movement with so many more awakening everyday, so it will not be long. The technology has been here for over a century for essentially free energy, there really is no need for any fossil fuels whatsoever. You were not supposed to be working anymore than about 3-4 hours a week by now, this is in the near future. Medicine, absent of chemicals will be the cure and eventually, no need for medicines whatsoever, when new technology and knowledge is released in regards to this. There are so many good things to come, they are coming, and it is indeed real. You may wake up some morning and a lot of this on top of you, thats how quick it may come. "You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one"..........

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