St. Elias Mines

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in response to mikxx1's message

Well, to state the facts, its quite possible this stagnation will continue. The problem lies with the whole system, and until an employee or two of these government arms associated with our story come forth and expose the deceptive practises, there may be no change. But, we must not rule out any breaking stories exposing the corruption within the regulator ranks as well. So, there are options and surprises can happen.

Understand the complexity of the entities involved with this, the financial system as well. Society as we knew it, is increasingly collapsing, as a result, unbelievable corruption exposure is still ongoing. The power at the top is fighting tooth and nail to keep the current societal regime in place, but it keeps crumbling every day.

I believe I shared with all here, how I even lost important posts I was writing while off line to post here. I was off line, not connected to the internet, yet, they were able to access my computer as I watched several posts disappear before my eyes. This shows you the sophistication and significance of what is happening with SLI, for these vanished posts, were about government corruption and SLI. There was no reason for them to wipe these posts out, unless it was truth and they were afraid, of which they truly are. I also met a guy last night, that knows an activist that posts online, which had the same thing happen when he was attacked, his material would vanish as he was writing off line. Rest assured, governments and the ones that control the governments, are very afraid of whats coming and are taken extreme measures to silence anyone that speaks up about the corruption of the ruling class.

I am not sure if I ever mentioned "onion files" here before, and how huge amounts of money are moved around the world and to off shore accounts by banks and rich peoples. These files of which I speak are connected to the scenario that is common through out the monetary systems, of having two sets of books, one for the public eye, the other for the true dealings that happen around the world that the public never sees.

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