St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Yes, as the title states, the masses ARE being Awakened. It is very impressive to see the rapidly growing numbers of people awakening around the planet and stepping out of their fear and the control the system had on them in the past.

As for SLI and its shareholders, there are many commonalities in what we have experienced, with what is wrong with the systems and what Anonymous fights for as well. Digest this excerpt below stated by Anonymous;

"Anonymous is everyone; everyone can take action in his own way against their own governments if they believe that the people working there, does not serve the citizens’ best interest, but instead they serve the corporate monopoly.

Action must be taken nonetheless."

By looking at the statement above, I am sure most of the SLI shareholders can readilly identify with " does not serve the citizens’ best interest, but instead they serve the corporate monopoly." This is what Anonymous stands for, the very same thing we SLI shareholders are up against and are continuously getting screwed by the corporate/greed influence on the Governments, BCSC, ASC, TSX, RCMP, JUDICIAL SYSTEMS, you name it. The employees and officers of the above mentioned, are also enemies of SLI shareholders for allowing these atrocities to continue to us shareholders with no action being taken to ACT IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITIZENS, THE SLI SHAREHOLDERS. Every law in the book is being broken here, by all mentioned above, and even more. It is plain as night and day, and I shouldn,t have to go down this road again, explaining things, it is now a given, a fact, that INTENTIONALLY, these agencies are defying their own laws to sweep us under the rug.

SLI Shareholders have first hand experienced all the foolish games that first appear as incompetence, but after many occurrances, it becomes clear that this is NOT incompetency, but INTENTIONAL. The above agencies have NO argument against the following list when the best interests of the citizens/shareholders are taken into consideration.

1) No action taken by the TSX Compliance department in various violations by management in regards to timely disclosure, withholding results, allowing an aquisition of TTAGIT by IGD WITHOUT a shareholder vote, etc.

2) No action taken by the RCMP despite intention clearly depicted in this quote from a witness; "we are going to hit the stock price to scare out some investors, so that some Big Boys can get some shares before we take this home". Further elements contrary to law perpetrated by management are totall ignored as well.

3) No action taken by the BCSC on the numerous violations of security law. Mainly in respect to 43-101 violations and insider trading/reporting.

4) No action taken by Justice Steves in the final court decision which saw 91% of the votes, the owners of the company, being deprived of their voice by an excuse of a technicality, while there were many other remedies the judge could have applied.

5) No action taken by the ASC while the largest amount of shareholders were covered under the ASC jurisdiction, as well as SLI being a joint listed issuer in Alberta as well as B.C..

6) No action taken by U.S. Authorities despite full jurisdiction and the committment/obligation to protect U.S. citizens/participants in a dual listed issuer.

7) No action taken by the CSA when being notified of the neglect endured by shareholders as a result of the BCSC,ASC and TSX Compliance department not enforcing applicable securities law and policy.

8} No action taken by IIROC despite clear manipulative trading schemes documented by blatant evidence. The naked shorting is an important factor in here as well, that was ignored.

9) Disruptions to the voting processes by most major banks holding shareholders proxies, as well as Olympia Trust, SLI,s transfer agent, releasing misinformation to confuse shareholders as a critical voting period. Election fraud and suppression are only two of the violations involved here, perhaps more.

10) No action taken by the Public Safety Ministers office which were informed and are responsible for the financial security of this country as well as their non action in reprimanding the RCMP for NOT acting in the public interest in regards to ignoring and not collecting further incriminating evidence pertinent to the case.

11) The neglect from all departments by not assigning an independent geologist to the important historical facts and blatantly showing the disconnect between drill/trench results and historical data, that contradicts all science.

12) No action taken by ANY politician in regards to protecting their voters best interests, of which these politicians are in office to represent their constituents.

13) Various mainstream media initially VERY interested in the story, with several medias claiming this story is BIG and that they needed to go to their superiors to get more journalists on the case/story to assist in getting this story out, THEN MYSTERIOUSLY, no interest. These media companies that received a lot of documentation from shareholders in relation to this story, are in violation of "obstruction to justice" as well as an accomplice in assisting to cover up the truth. These mainstream media are also acting "contrary to public interest" which carries a degree of civil liability under statute law.

So now, by reviewing the 12 points listed above, do you still think this is NOT a conspiracy, that its just incompetence?

WAKE UP and stand your ground together in this battle, there is much Light at the end of the tunnels. DO NOT support any government nor agency that is not in your best interest. It is liken to calling up a known thief on the phone and telling him that you will pay him $2000 to come and rob your house and bank accounts. That is exactly how ludicrous this situation is, if you support these agencies by money, consent, or anything else, you are actually assisting the ones that are trying to STEAL this valuable investment from you.

NOTE; there were more points that I could have added to the above list and only chose to point out the most obvious/prominent ones.

Thank You

Rick Jewers

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