St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to AlbertaLawman2's message

Albertalawman2, you wrote;

"Rick it's not too late for you to come into the light.

At some point in your life you are going to look back and say "What have I done? What have I become?"

I can only speculate that Primed himself had a moment where he had to question himself in a similar manner and was forced to make a choice about what was morally right and wrong.

More and more of these agoracomers are begining to question the coverup/conspiracy and I know it's getting harder and harder for you to keep up this charade. (You can only cut and paste the same (irrelevant) items so many times...)

I know you are a man of faith, and at some point you will have to reconcile with god privately and on your own terms.

I offer you an oppertunity to begin to try and set things right...

We don't ask any grand admission of wrongdoing on your part, but rather here is a chance for you to "quietly slip out the back door" and walk away from all this."

Albertalawman2, I cannot be bought by any monies on this planet, the only thing that buys me is Love and Truth. I cannot be intimidated. I forever stand in my truth and with these SLI shareholders.

You expose yourselves everytime for what you are, and when you are unable to disuade by nonsensical tactics, you resort to intimidation. Your ridiculous construction of this dichotomy will dissolve. I am very grateful that you so blatantly depict your intentions to all through your last desperate attempt, intimidation.

For your information, the decision was made in Jan 2012 after a vicious intimidation by the greed towards me, to proceed with revealing the truth to the shareholders and the public. As I have said once before, I am not alone. This is not a threat, for it is your own action that has created this imploding demise that you and the greed are responsible for. It is because of the selfish choices that were made by the greed, that it has come to this, and will proceed favorably for shareholders. I judge you not, for you have judged yourselves.

Thank You

Rick Jewers

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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