St. Elias Mines

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in response to mikxx1's message

Your question; "why bother?"

Well, that is a very reasonable thought and certainly a course of action as well. But I would tend to think in event of collapse, to exit the system, may salvage more instead remaining within it. I think there would be a transition period where money may be needed during a change over to facilitate some transactions. Is a transitional period took for instance 6 months, one may wish to have a larger reserve of cash to stock up and maintain a reasonable standard until things were ironed out.

I will say that many are withdrawing their monies out, but are being met with problems withdrawing all of their money out. There seems to be many restrictions, of which some severly limits the amount you may withdraw. And, if a lot of people do this at once, as in a bank run, the bank closes and NO ONE gets money out. You see, in reality, most of the worlds currency is not in the paper form, it is in the digital form, and does not really exist. Things became this way because of governments printing money and allowing the banks to lend out almost 10 times the actual money, creating huge debt.

An approximate amount owing on the Canadian debt that was created out of thin air, for every man, woman and child in Canada, is around $20,000. So every Canadian has a debt of around $20,000 that most are oblivious to. Canada is in good shape, compared to some. In Greece and Cyprus, there is where the wake up call to people of the world happened, but, it also happened other places as well, and even closer to home in Detroit, where city workers received around 6-10 cents on the dollar of their actual pensions. Most People are oblivious to how everything is hanging by a frayed thread, partly because, the controlled mainstream media and paid economists have withheld the true information from the public. The governments have created a monster of ridiculous debt, that they cannot control, because it defies all logic and rational thinking. The monster they created cannot be patched nor fixed, it has to be disassembled and foundationed by integrity. If they come to realize this shortly, hence the system has to crash to enable a new one to be built. A lot of things are in place for a new system, but all the corrupt have to be weeded out of positions of control, before a system is implemented, otherwise, you would have the same problem with a new system, the greedy corrupt run it and control it, in their favour. Every Human is equal, and no one deserves more than another, and especially, it is unacceptable that so many must die of hunger, when around 40 of the richest people on this planet have enough money to feed ALL that are starving. So, it is the rich of the world that are depriving an existence to others, because of the monster they created.

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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