St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to molson200's message

Several very interesting things in this post Molson! Oh, and by the way, glad to have you back from what some may consider, "a foriegn assignment".

I take note of the "cyber- promoters" meaning; message board flunkies that are part of boiler rooms, that move stocks up and down, by bashing and pumping. In the Venture, these boiler room types are used as lesser sophisticated posters , whereas in the bigger TSX, a conglomeration of TV interviews and orchestrated news releases with hidden agendas are used, to disguise the actual intent for the fall and rises in stock. Its all manipulation in the stock markets and grand illusions are used as a sophisticated way of explaining the ups and downs of stock prices, when in actuality they are orchestrated moves by banks, assigned MM,s and a basket of other greedy entities that survive off the money of pension funds and individual investors. Sorry I got carried away sharing the truth. But to simply understand what I mean, just entertain the shorting tecnique of stocks and think about the last market crash of 2008, then you will see that anyone shorting then would have made a fortune! But wait! Why didn,t any of YOUR investments or PENSIONS enjoyed INCREDIBLE gains during the crash? Its because these incredible gains were never shared with the retail owners of any funds and was silently split up among all the entities that had orchestrated a crash and had shorted. These same WINNERS then turned around, bought ALL stock cheap, run the markets back up to where they are today, and have the markets handsomely set up, with another huge gain under their belts from the inflated market indexes, to nose dive again! So that they may repeat a crash and rake in more of YOUR money that you have contributed since 2008. Don,t forget, its not only any investments that you may have since 2008 that is at considerable risk, but its YOUR PENSION monies as well, that steadily get creamed in these manipulated markets. Sorry again for rambling, back to the SLI points.

I believe it needs to be investigated, if not already done, any relationship between the crown prosecuter responsible for laying charges in our case and the one mentioned in the case above. To further, I believe it may equally be important to look for connections between any preciding judges/justices in our case and any relationship they may have that could be a conflict of interest on their part. To further yet further, I feel it prudent to request ALL transcripts from every court proceeding involving SLI to date, we shareholders are entitled to the important instruments, especially to check for any inconsistencies in any testimony from shareholders present and the actual transcripts.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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