St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to AGORACOM's message

Good day Agoracom.

Perhaps what is happening with our form, apparently Agoracom removing posts of a thread, that concerns shareholders here, is becoming a common theme with Agoracome lately? I happened to stumble across this post by Glorieux just now on another Agoracom forum here and evidently, that forum has experienced a similar problem with Agoracom. The similar problem being, that posters have a right to know about the posters posting about their investment/s and the people that sometimes hide behind these aliases.

I do not think it acceptable, Agoracoms behaviour in this situation and perhaps past others, and ask that a reasonable explanation be given as to why the thread in mention, has been removed and by whose instruction and/or authority.

At this time, I, as others, feel this is out of character for Agoracom and find it very interesting that Agoracom may seem to support a basher. I am a little confused by this behaviour of Agoracom.

"Popsboy's Ban

posted on Sep 10, 14 10:40AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Hi George,

Popsboy's comments while not in the spirit of Agoracom's 6 rules, were accurate descriptions of events from last fall concerning a poster banned from this site. These boards are about credibility and when an individual has shown himself to not be trustworthy, other members of this board have a right to know that information.

I would like to petition to have Popsboy reinstated and if the participants of this board agree, I would invite you to vote up this post to let Agoracom management know how you feel.



Thank You


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