St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

It is quite hilarious for me to witness the constant attempts at discrediting me and the insults to my intelligence. The tactics observed are indeed "old school". The reason these "old school " tactics don,t work any longer, is because the ones implementing these techniques are oblivious to the knowledge of the public now and carry on in desperation and fear.

If I had anything to hide, would one think my level of intelligence would allow me to publicly displays pictures of myself on the internet for all to see? I don,t see any of the pawns posting their true names or photos of themselves, perhaps they have lots to hide? Perhaps they are ashamed that their families may see what they actually do, making fun of investors that have lost almost all of their lifes savings, along with big losses on paper throughout the shareholder base? If these "hide behind aliases" revealed to thier children, what they do and their actions, would their children ever say to them, "you make me sick Daddy, treating people like that" ? Do you think money can buy Love from your children?

I reiterate, the physical attack on me around Jan 2012 as a result from being invested in this company, it cost someone a lot of money to execute. It would be senseless for anyone to attack me in such a manner if this company had no great value, who would care?

So again, to the big guys, your days are growing short and you are shrinking, caught up in a downward spiral that you have created yourself. No one will harm you, but yourselves and what you have created. The walls are being torn down that prevented the common people from seeing through the illusion, as more see the reality, the smaller your world gets. You have judged yourself, and I send you Love.

Thank You

Rick Jewers

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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