St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to aiminvestor's message

Perhaps it may not be a good idea to provide links to anyone? We have seen SO MUCH information pertaing to SLI disappearing from the web over the last couple years after we posted links here on Agoracom, fortunate for us, we developed a practice of copying the content of links BEFORE sharing them here, so that in the event links became broken, we still had the content. :).

Talk about links being broken, Molson notified me about the BCSC not recording the Oct 2011 PP on their website. As you can see, that particular Exempt Distribution detail, appears to be missing and the 2010 PP appears to be amended? I am not presently happy with this concealment of information by the BCSC, whereas part of their statement of assurance to investors and the public, is to educate and inform so that investors are better able to make informed decisions while investing. For the BCSC to not have that certain exempt distribution displayed on their site, contradicts their missionary statement.

Its very important to investors that ALL information pertaining to SLI is accessable as is that certain PP where the CEO took a large portion of it herself, the known off shore account possibility as well as we were drilling and trenching at that very time, in which it was quite possible for management to be in receipt of information that may have inclined a positive interpretation. To further, where there were more than one instance of the rumour about hitting the stock price at that time, I find it utmost important to KNOW all the placees in that particular PP as well as any placees from off shore jurisdictions. The off shore placees, if any, may be very important, whereas most stock manipulation comes from off shore jurisdictions and are funneled through the U.S. depository.

Also, if any of the stock issued in that PP was for market making activities, IIROC and the TSX would have record of this as well. I think about the email sent by Bob Lachance just before the stock was hit in Jan 2012, about how he was upset that Murry went to China and that if China was in the stock, that he was getting out. This was an absurd statement if he made it, whereas NO RESULTS were released to the public then of which could have shown the greatest gold find of all time. Nobody in their right mind would sell at a time like that, until initial results were out. The same goes for all the shorting records BEFORE any results were released that no one would ever take that risk, unless they perhaps knew something that the public didn,t?


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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