St. Elias Mines

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in response to Mrscramer's message

Have no fear. By being silent and not voicing opinions, it aids in corruption flourishing. When people allow themselves to be controlled by not speaking up, they remain controlled always and things never change. You give away your own power to the criminals when you allow them to silence you. In this case, the criminals can,t silence the shareholders, so you witness more and more desperate acts on their part in attempts at trying to keep this covered up. I mean how blatant is it, when you see RCMP walk away from fraud with a very petty excuse of they cannot prove "intent". It is totally ridiculous, unacceptable and anyone can see right through the intent of the RCMP, to not pursue and contradict their own missionary statements, may mean they are controlled because of fear also. Fear of perhaps losing their jobs or something else. An RCMP officer on this case told me, in response to my question, "Don,t you find it odd that your prosecuting attorney will not go forward with this case when it is so blatant?"; his reply; "we don,t always agree with these types of actions as individuals, but it is what it is". So here you see ACCEPTANCE by an RCMP officer that he knows it is not right nor just, but he accepts it being right and just that no action is taken. It is a total contradiction to his own character as well as what his job symbolizes, yet he is also controlled by the fear, whereas he is afraid that if he speaks his truth and the truth of the situation, he may be fired and lose his career. What he doesn,t realize, is that if he made his stand and spoke his truth, he would not be living a lie and his life would take on more meaning and an alternative path where he could live with purer conscience.

This is one reason why the securities regulators and other authorities keep things confidential and hidden from the public, so that they control and create an atmosphere where corruption thrives and the ones harmed by this corruption walk away silently after being robbed. The courts are also designed to discourage and burden any opposition to the system, while in reality, the power is invested in these authorities to act WITHOUT a court. When there is incontestable evidence, any authority does not need court approval to take action, preliminary action can be taken. For example, does a murderer remain free until he comes to trial when there is incontestable evidence? The answer is "no', the murderer is retained UNTIL a court hearing to prevent him from possibly harming others.

The harm created by lies and withholding of information may also lead to death in some cases by the stress inflicted on individuals as a result. Meaning, that White Collar crime is extremely dangerous to the public interest and advertly can cause great suffering and/or death to those that the crime is inflicted upon.

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