St. Elias Mines

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in response to Stillpoor's message

LOL Stillpoor, I believe Santa forgot some of these below that says a wee bit of whats expected of the BOD. And, this is from the very ISS that endorsed managements White Proxy last time go around.

Voting on Director Nominees in Uncontested Elections

The following fundamental principles apply when determining votes on director nominees:

Board Accountability:

Practices that promote accountability and enhance shareholder trust begin with transparency into a company's governance practices including risk management practices. These practices include the annual election of all directors by a majority of votes cast by all shareholders, provide shareholders with the ability to remove directors, and include the detailed timely disclosure of voting results. Board accountability is facilitated through clearly defined board roles and responsibilities, regular peer performance review, and shareholder engagement.

Board Responsiveness:

In addition to facilitating constructive shareholder engagement, boards of directors should be responsive to the wishes of shareholders as indicated by majority supported shareholder proposals or lack of majority support for management proposals including election of directors. In the case of a company controlled through a dual-class share structure, the support of a majority of the minority shareholders should equate to majority support.

Board Independence:

Independent oversight of management is a primary responsibility of the board and while true independence of thought and deed is difficult to assess, there are corporate governance practices with regard to board structure and management of conflicts of interest that are meant to promote independent oversight. Such practices include the selection of an independent chair to lead the board; structuring board pay practices to eliminate the potential for self-dealing, reducing risky decision-making, and ensuring the alignment of director interests with those of shareholders rather than the interests of management; and structuring separate independent key committees with defined mandates. Complete disclosure of all conflicts of interest and how they are managed is a critical indicator of independent oversight.

Board Capability:

The skills, experience, and competencies of board members should be a priority in director selection, but consideration should also be given to a board candidate's ability to devote sufficient time and commitment to the increasing responsibilities of a public company director. Directors who are unable to attend board and committee meetings and/or who are overextended (i.e., serving on too many boards) raise concern regarding the director's ability to effectively serve in shareholders' best interests.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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