St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

As we move into the new age, things will not be as they were before, we are in great time of change. One instrument that perhaps can be implimented and may be compatable with this change, just may be Holacracy. If we look at our company SLI in particular, but not limited to SLI, we could make a strong company, perhaps a little more stronger and unified. It is known that within the shareholders of this company, that we have shareholders from essentially all professions known in our society. Why not put this resource to work and let shareholders take part in the decision making, then blame cannot be placed on one or a small few? This is the problem with corporate structure, it places the power within the hands of few and takes away and/or limits the rights of shareholders, and provides a secure atmosphere for abuse of power and greed components to fester and grow. It also eliminates the concept, "more heads are better than one", which for any company, a think tank benefit is denied.

By calling on your collective or coop, if you will, you are utilizing your resource to full potential by the unified input. Whereas in corporate structure, it is usually impossible for a chosen few to remedy any and all situations, in comparison to a collective think tank, that has many more options and mechanisms available to them, to problem solve. Indirectly, I made an offer to Lori along these lines a few years ago, when I made the mutual offer of being liason between investors and the executive, although there was a spark with initial interest, it was quickly squashed by Lori. It was a shame, it would have then opened a wide array of options and tools from our resourceful shareholder base. Money for a PP would never have been a problem, when you have an informed and unified group, as is the SLI family. For any CEO to sever the ties of a lifeline, is beyond me, it makes one question motive and intent perhaps, or was it just fear? Was it just being conformed to the old way of doing things and the acceptance that the old way works great, not opening ones self to the limitless supply of new ideas. Its restrictions and limitations, such as these, that hinder growth and add to an implosion effect.

"Holacracy, which originated with a former software company founder turned consultant named Brian Robertson, eliminates formal job titles, managers, and traditional hierarchy in favor of a series of overlapping "circles" where people can have several different roles.

The goal is to increase the level of accountability, since employees are held accountable by all their coworkers rather than a single manager, as well as transparency in order to quickly and publicly resolve sources of tension. That's reflected in the name, based on the Greek word "holon," which means "a whole that’s part of a greater whole," according to Groth. "

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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