St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

We are witnessing an eerie calm across the SLI forum. Is something happening in our favour behind the scenes?

The protection of investors of SLI has always been our objective, contrary to what bashers and management supporters may suggest. Too many times in these markets, the hard working retail or common investor bears the brunt of heavy losses. There are supposed to be protective measures for this, in which we have called into play. The only problem, thus far on the surface, is that these protective functions appear to be dysfunctional.`Perhaps they are not as dysfunctional as they seem in our circumstance? Perhaps it has taken time to ascertain that these functions, if applied, are concrete, and may still set a precedence as a result of our case?

I believe we have to look on the brightest and most positive side of things here. If its so easy for us to see what has been happening with this investment, surely its much easier for authorities to see and what it involves. As I have said before, shareholders have gone above and beyond their duties as protectors of their investment, we have done our part, its time for the protectors of investors to own up to their responsibilities.

I have read an email today that an investor received from a journalist in a major media source of Canada. His exact words; " Unfortunately it is simply beyond my resources to do it (and you) justice."

This causes many concerns for me on the attitude of a reporter representing one of the biggest media outlets in Canada. Look at what he said, read it to fully understand what he is saying, weird for a huge media to make that kind of comment on what may be a huge story for any media? If one of the biggest media sources worldwide believes they do not have the resources to give this story the justice it deserves, I ask the question, "just how big is this story and exactly who in this world has the resources to grant it justice?"

I am estatic over the realization by the media source that they consider the story bigger than them, it shows that what our story involves, is huge. That huge, that perhaps the media are afraid to touch it, perhaps they are censored or intimidated? No, the media knows exactly what this story involves and they are afraid and not allowed to touch it, imo. If this is the case, just exactly who has this much power over the media? Wouldn,t that be an interesting question to have the answer to,lol? I believe we find out in the near future...

What has happened with us here in this investment, is not only a huge embarrassment to the TSX, the owners of the TSX, the regulators, many government representatives, but now the media as well! Is there any good just people in the said agencies and media, or are they all gutless souls that are afraid to stand up? Its totally not acceptable by us shareholders, let alone every citizen of this country, and perhaps globally, to endure such a blatant astrocity. I sincerely hope that the media, if held back, are held back because of things in the shareholders favour. At this time, and as a result of what appears to be non action or perhaps even negligence, there appears to be no integrity in the markets, and that the markets are being revealed for what they have been for a long time, a place for investors, the little guy, to get legally robbed. If the media is afraid to say it, I will. And the proof is seen so clearly in our case and others, so that excuse can,t be used by media.

I feel that someone else is pulling Lori,s and the rest of the BOD,s strings. And if they are, I ask for you, Lori, and the BOD to stand up here and do the noble thing. This is making no sense at all what is going on here, and perhaps 1000,s of SLI investors alone agree, let alone God knows how many outside sources, I would slip the media in here in this sentence now as an outside source.

Lori, you have executed many presentations and public speeches proclaiming the potential of the Tesoro, even as going as far as saying "I know" in the Forbes interview. And you know what, I believe you, you do know, or you would have not gone publicly wild stating all these very important and supportive facts, to just fall on your face. No way, you wanted the glory and to be able to say you were like Catherine Mcleod-Seltzer of Arequipa Resources, and no one, including you would ever take the chance of going out ahead of time, proclaiming a huge find, if you did not have enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt, that it is there.You spoke from the heart in these meetings and presentations, meaning it was the truth, not a fabrication of your brain, because your intelligence would not allow you to speak of something so big if you were not sure. You would not stand in front of a hundred or more investors and tell lies, I don,t see you as being that type of person deep down. I know, as does everyone, that you are getting a bad rap over this situation, and I don,t think its fair that you should take this, if its not of your doing.

None of these shareholders are selling their stock, their belief is too strong and is reinforced by professional opinions that they have consulted. And this will never go away for you or the BOD, so please, if there is something you can tell us, please do so, so that we are not stagnated, you don,t like stagnation, :). Most of the losses are only on paper yet, so they can be redeemed by shareholders by holding onto their stock. There are other attributable costs that are adding up daily and compounding to a degree as this lingers on. There is also the mental suffering in the form of depression and anxiety, which has taken its toll on some investors, partly due to their belief in this stock and the reassurance that the regulators per say, would enforce the applicable law/s.

I ask for yours and the BOD,s help in mitigating any further suffering towards your shareholders. None of this post is a threat, just a mere statement of fact,and whereso speculation, it is depicted in such a manner as to convey as such. It is always the readers choice in interpreted my posts, as it is always respected by me the choices one makes. However, even though I may respect and accept ones decisions and choices, it does not mean that I agree with nor condone them.

This is from my heart, it is my belief and my opinion.

thank you


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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