St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to mikxx1's message

You are very correct mikxx, you should not have to dig through your own archives to find this valuable information on SLI or any of its properties. Yet, most, if not all links to historical data beyond several years, has been severed. Now be it in due to managements actions or not, prudence and competence would suggest reinstating this valuable information for new prospective investors, especially at this time. I see no effort as to reinstate the historical data by management, so I am left to believe that it is condoned and perhaps intentional.

The most disturbing being older news releases from the 3 Peruvian properties, which clearly suggests robust potential. Then in the last couple years, nothing, with Tesoro being downplayed big time and the Cueva Blanca being given away.

I would suggest to have no agression towards management, for they believe they are operating within safe confines of an outgrown law. It is not our responsibility now to show them the blatancy and near sightedness they have towards exploitation, it will be their learning experience that will effect their every experience in the future. In any future litigation, the BOD will perhaps become only 3rd party, but mayhaps with severe consequences as a by product of a much larger revelation of atrocity.

As I have said several weeks ago, the seeds have been planted and there is no turning back. The perpetrators had every choice and chance to mitigate risk to future proceedings, it is very clear that they choose the continued path of false security, but again, that is their choice. This, by no means is an idle threat towards accountability, but rather a fraction of truth that may very well be imminent.

I have a feeling that perhaps regulators/authorities geologists, through consulting with other field specialists, may be getting a broader perspective of what is actually going on here. This is only a feeling and I cannot substantiate this at this time. What I can say, is that I know some authorities have been asked to indepth analyse the data. As shareholders encompassed the expertise of many geo aquaintances, I believe any authoritative agency will come to the same conclusion as our own consultations.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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