St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Hyperman's message

Hyperman, it has been said before here, that if you attack one of us, you attack all. We are not putting up with the bs and are standing our ground stronger than ever. Perhaps the silence from us is pressuring some? I can assure you, we are definitely not gone, and are hard at work digging and finding even more things.

The atrocity of the relentless bashers and the pathetic behaviour of publishing personal info on the stock house board, clearly shows the stereo-type we are dealing with. They are acting this way because they are very scared and perhaps should be, we are not. They are so clearly showing their desperation at breaking us and regaining control of the company, but for what? No one works that hard for nothing, so it clearly shows they are really afraid of losing something that must have considerable value to them. And the worst thing is, perhaps they are the ones with all the inside info and perhaps know a lot more than us, but thats ok, we are finding more info on our own.

It has been conveyed to me, and documented several times I may add, of what appeared to be insider information released on the stock house board by someone in the know, in advance of news releases, this very someone also has attacked shareholders and their clique seems to be of the same nature. Shareholders are not dumb, we know there is more going on here than meets the eye, and perhaps when every normal thing doesn,t add up, you are only left with a conspiracy theory making any sense at all. Everything is so blatant, and more than just the shareholders can see this, its only a matter of time, and perhaps thats why Tyna resigned, she knows they cannot win?

Lori was the one that told us there is lots of gold there, in many different ways and many times, this is all documented and is fact. The facts that show gold was even mined and shipped to Dynacor clearly shows that the gold is worth mining, why else do it? Look at the date of Lori,s Forbes interview, Sept, 2011. We started trenching in May that year and had at least a month of drilling under our belt by Sept., but perhaps a few months because of unclear news releases. She even says in the interview, "she knows " its there, and besides, a "Mining Magnate" is not made out of poof. So, things are not adding up for us and we have every right to have our beliefs, and the ones trying to pull wool over our eyes, do not have a right to degrade us nor condone us being taken advantage of.

This is all about control of the shares and the company. You saw that when Lori announced the ridiculous PP last year that would have diluted her shareholders by almost half the shares they held at that time.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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