St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
about 11 years ago

Transparency, a criticle element of growth and strength. To have transparency integrated in all practises of a public traded company, is very important. Not only is it crucial to a companies development, but it opens many doorways to utmost expansion as well, by allowing all to be analysed by many which creates a much larger think tank, in comparison to a few, which restricts growth. The benefits of transparency, are benefits, without transparency, anything is always limited.

The low degree of transparency in this company has contributed profoundly to the problems that exist today with SLI. Had there been transparency with any questions answered promptly by the company, every shareholder would have been better informed and would have been in a much more favourable position to make reasonable investment decisions, hence eliminating the unknown. Non transparency creates an aspect of unknown, which is evidently seen as a destructive and negative element to a company.

Non transparency is also an effective tool used by any criminal or corrupt aspect, to keep things concealed. A company may be on the up and up, but not transparent, and this will allow for great suspicion to enter the realm. It is not shareholders fault when they become very suspicious when there is little to no transparency, because non transparency is known as a valuable tool to crime. And when the unknown is present, it does not give a shareholder the opportunity to discern between if everything is on the up and up or not. When we have seen many examples of non transparency and low disclosure tecniques with this company, many questions arise, and the shareholders are very justified in demanding clarification and a more defined presentation of the facts to the public. A prime example of this deprivation is the fact that azimuths for the drill holes have never been released, one of the most important factors in determining the merits of the geophysics. The company may be well satisfied that the anomalies cannot be explained, but my question is why withhold all the facts so that we can see it as well?

I would like to also touch on another aspect, any future legalities that may be pursued by Lori agains posters here. If she ever decides to pursue her petty claims against us, our strength is to join forces. Do not take advice from your lawyers of having no contact with the other defendents named. This is very important. All of us together make us stronger and enables many more heads and alternatives, rather than being alone. Remember the adage, together we stand, divided we fall. IMO, and more than that, no lawyer should ever suggest to his client to cut off contact with anyone that may be connected to them or could in any way compliment their defence. By seperating you off from everyone else, this severly limits you to access of info and contributes dearly to your destruction. Some of us are uncovering things almost daily, even though we may not post them, and if you are seperated from us, you are easier taken out of the picture or controlled. I have shown you things on here in the past of how perhaps the B.C. judicial system may not be totally fair, with what appears as an infiltration of corruption in the past. I believe many of you have your own types of doubts now, by what you are witnessing so far with any legal proceedings ongoing with us and the company at present. IF you do some searches, you will see where lawyers,judges and even legal aid admins may not be able to be trusted and where some have been exposed. As in any crime, you rarely ever get all the criminals, so who is to say which one may be an existing criminal in the system? Really, it is sad when you can,t trust the ones that are supposed to be protecting you, but this is reality, nothing is as it seems. IB know some of you shareholders have brushes with the very system of Corporate and Canadian law, and that you can very well attest to what I am saying.

Understand also, that lawyers are out to make money. If they go into court and win every case hands down, this limits their income, and some lawyers will practise the "game" in just this way for their own benefits. The longer they can keep a case in court, the more advantageous it is for their own pockets. Not saying that all lawyers practise this, but some do, and how do you ever know if you have a lawyer that does play games, until perhaps its too late, and you have no money left to fight the original cause?

Stay together here and remain strong by standing up and together. This is really the best chances we have, and by presenting the public with every aspect of this case and connected ones, you are practising transparency, which doesn,t allow for things to be concealed or limited. Keep all your options opened to you and do not allow anyone take or limit these options.


Thank you

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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