St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to mikxx1's message

I agree with what you are saying Mikxx. Its the manner of perspective and perception that enjoys this of which you speak. Some are comfortable with looking at this in a limited way of acceptance, by saying, "the drill results are what they are", so what, this company has nothing, I will move on. Some, and this category is us, say "something doesn,t add up here" and we become very inquisitive and quizzical. We do this because our perspective horizon is broadened and allows for more dot connecting if you will. And because of this, others are unable to see what we see. We try to show them on this forum and elsewhere, but they refuse to broaden their perspective on this, its no ones fault, its the choice they make.

Its because of the choices of others to accept without question, that we must endure these endless battles with others that do not see things as we do. We have done everything we could and continue to, to help them see more, but if they stay inside the box, how will they ever be able to see whats outside? But, perhaps they are comfortable inside the box, and perhaps we should just respect their choice and understand it for what it is with our own perspective. I know, I have tried to help others by posting every bit of fact and information that I could, so that they could see, but instead of looking, some become very uncomfortable and believe their comfort zone is at risk, and they decide to attack me and my credibility. Each of you also know this, by how you post information, and see a response by these few, that makes you shake your head in total disblief, of how they cannot see what you are presenting.

Seeing is believing, and its great to see that more are starting to see, asking more questions and waking up to the reality of change. This is why the turmoil, if there was no change happening, there would be no turmoil. And for turmoil to be increasing, this shows that more are seeing. So I guess, if more and more are climbing out of the box to get a better look, after awhile, there should be no one left in the box, and the result of change is seen.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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