St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I have a huge problem with the size of the Tesoro. If we add the size of Chance E and F to the mix, we get 6415 hectares. The 2010 Tech report suggests 7056 hectares, but proclaims that the 7056 is actually smaller than each property size added up because of overlapping. But, this still leaves approx 600 hectares not accounted for.

I will also add that the extra properties were granted between june and Aug 2010, they were staked in Jan of 2010. It took over 4 months to disclose these new properties after being GRANTED to the market if this is the case. Timely disclosure?

Surely there must be some reasonable explanation for this that perhaps I am missing? I remember BOW saying he had similar problems trying to figure out why the sizes of the Vilcoro and Cueva Blanca properties seemed inconsistent.

I just looked at SLI homepage to get the size of the Tesoro, it says there;

"St. Elias acquired the Tesoro project in 2004 for US$130,000. During fiscal 2011 we disclosed that we had staked the adjacent Chance A-D claims, which increased the size of the Tesoro property to 4,415 hectares from 2,000 hectares."

In the 2010 tech report, it says this;

The Tesoro Property is comprised of nine (9) contiguous legally registered Peruvian mineral

claims covering 7,056 hectares (17,436 acres) registered in the name of Minera Santa Elisa S.A.C.

and Braulio Ismael Medina Inga. Note that due to mineral claim overlap the total size of the claim

group is less than its constituent parts.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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