St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
over 11 years ago

Dear Agoracom,

The deal that you made with Primed long ago was to stay off this SLI forum. He has been banned before and you have reinstated his privileges at least once since that banning. He has been posting on other forums here where we do not engauge him, except for the SHH hub where I am also a hub leader, where I have violated him there recently for attacking and arguing with a prominant poster there of President status. Primed has been caught here with numerous aliases in the past and his intent is always quite clear, to disrupt under the guise of acting dum. There is no room for him on this forum and no investor wants him here, only the fake posters that have the same agenda as him, to rile investors and spread fear and sensless reasoning.

We are in a huge proxy battle here and are unjustly getting treated, the last thing we need is management supporters rubbing this dirt in investors faces here. Agoracom knows what these antics are due tio last battles they themselves have participated in, namely Aurealian and Noront. No bashers or management supporters were most likely not tolerated there and then, and I ask the due respect of not letting that to happen on this forum while that sense of just is upheld. By taking away our privileges of banning these placed boiler room types, is definitely against the shareholders here of SLI which is the vast majority in the 90% range.

I see only hours after I have banned Primed last night, he is reinstated again. The last time Primed was banned here, there were multiple consultations between hub leaders and Agoracom on this matter and thought it to be resolved only to see Primed continuously reinstated and in time right back here disrupting. Most, if not all, know who Primed is on this forum and know he is a management supporter and do not want him or his aliases on this forum. Also you may want to check stockhouse and his personal blog to see accusations he has made against Agoracom in the past, he is definitely not your friend. And for him to get messages removed instantly from stiockhouse, while other posters takes days sometimes when they make a mistake, should raise an eyebrow.

I dont know how much proof you need of his intentions of using the Agoracom site, but I sincerely believe that by now, you should have enough proof to see his motives. IMO, this truly goes against what Agoracom stands for, a basher free environment where investors can discuss their important issues without the penetration of placed puppets to influence stock prices and to try to prevent truth from coming out on these forums. Time after time, the little guy gets screwed in these markets and these types are used as vessels to acheive goals of the greed, kicking investors in the guts and while down, then rubbing salt in the wounds.

I ask you to reconsider the reinstatement of Primed. He has said twice before he would not come back on this forum if you reinstated him, twice he lied, how many more times are you gonna let him lie here and make Agoracom look like a fool? If supporters of lies and taking advantage of shareholders is allowed on this site, what does it really say for Agoracom?

Please reconsider.

Thank you



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