St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

The legal proxy challenge has come and gone. It was over the second the votes were counted and the results were in.

The matter at hand is that the contentious BOD unilaterally determined the vote was invalid contrary to the overwhelming majority of the shareholders votes, as is clear by the uncontested results of the proxy vote.

So the question no longer is...

”Who will be voted into the BOD by the shareholders”? The results are in and counted and undisputed by either side.

The question is...

“Was the decision at the AGM within their legal rights to invalidate the votes cast by the vast majority of the shareholders”?

The reason I want this to be clarified is that we as shareholders witnessed a long process to legally offer an alternative to current management and offer that alternative up to a legal democratic proxy vote. The votes have been cast and counted. This process is done. The green proxy garnered the necessary majority...We need to focus on the new issue.

Whether you voted Green or White...ask yourself...

Do you feel your votes were illegally dismissed without sound basis? Have your rights as a shareholder been violated?

Why these ramblings and semantics are so important in my eyes and I think should be in all shareholders because up until the AGM and the conclusion of the proxy challenge the legal fees spent by SLI were to defend against a hostile challenge...and like it or is a legitimate response to a proxy challenge.

However when Lori dismissed the green proxy vote at the AGM...from that day forward all legal fees spent by SLI are now solely defending her position that dismissing a 91% majority was a legal response to the results.

So whether you voted Green or White...understand that YOUR money is being used to defend HER “RIGHT” to unilaterally dismiss YOUR right to vote.

To put it another way...It’s kinda like when an older sibling or bully pins you down and slaps you with your own hand until you plead for mercy or cry.

So I ask everyone...White, Green or Switzerland

How does it feel to be slapped with your own hand while spending thousands of your own dollars for the privilege?


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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