St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Its no use for me to email you this Lori,because you dont reply anyway and I would have no way of knowing if you ever read it. I do know you watch this board or have someone watch it for you, so chances are you will read it, or at least its my best chance of getting it to you. Hopefully the current BOD pick up on it too and give it some consideration whereas it has to do with them also for condoning your actions in the last year. Heck, maybe even the regulators should read this too and think of how they are allowing this injustice to occur in broad daylight. And maybe all the buck passing recipients of our letters should feel a wee bit of shame for not stepping up and at least helping with our situation and taking that one good step towards helping their fellow man instead of turning a blind eye in maybe fear or perhaps lack of compassion.

Lori, you must know by now that you are in a downward spiral that accelerates the closer it gets to the bottom with doors closing rapidly. I am not pleading you to do anything anymore, I don,t have to at this point, there is only one thing that would ever make me get down on my knees, and its not you nor any of your followers,nor anything of this earth. I am writing this as a last resort for you to redeem a last thread of decency in your life and anyone still close to you. You have a choice of recinding yours and the BOD,s atrocity of throwing away the voice of your shareholders, why not take it? To continuously punish your shareholders after you have heard their voice in the recent vote of 91% against you,(it most likely would have been 97% if all shares voted) is senseless. You know you cannot win, as well as any of the BOD, and you are only continuing on with the main problem we have had with you for the last couple years, throwing our money away recklessly that we the shareholders have helped build by severly supporting our investment. Your childlish actions of depleting the treasury in a battle you cannot win only portrays more of the same from you, that you despise shareholders and selfishly think of yourself and act in spiteful ways. This is not competence, nor is it competence by the current BOD. But I do thank you for acting in this manner, because it exposed some serious problems with our judicial and financial systems in conjunction with the markets that desperately need to be corrected to further protect other shareholders in other public trading companies. Some, if not a lot of good will come from this and help other little guys in the future, and I am very grateful for that aspect of all this.

You know you may lose everything and end up like me living into the next thing to a cardboard box, give it up,let it go, for Gods sake,if nothing else. I have looked into the eyes of many of your shareholders and if you could see the honesty,determination and loyalty to this company portrayed in each depth, you wouldn,t be doing this. Maybe the rest of the BOD should think of this as well, instead of participating in something that is morally and ethically incorrect. BOD, think of your own families being in this predicament and ask yourself is it right for them to have to endure something of this nature? These hard working honest people that have supported this investment and at one time believed in you and the properties, and still believe in the properties today, deserve far better than this current result of your spite. You have some shares left, as well as options, step aside and let us take this to where it has to go now. You know, as well as the current BOD that you will most likely not be able to raise money for this company after all you have done, its apparent now with IGD. You are killing this company and thousands of shareholders for no reason, we all know the potential value of our portfolio of properties and know that this company will never die because of these prospects.

Its your choice, do something a little nice for the shareholders of this company before you leave and recind your AGM decision instead of causing us more heartache and grief. But again, its yours and the BOD,s choice, I am not begging, just making you aware of your most favourable option for all involved at this time.

Its your choice to do the right thing.


thank you


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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