St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I know many here have certain ideas on what is on topic, what is off topic. Their opinions on this depends on their perception and some others opinions may be formulated by the power of suggestion and some others as easy as seeing a basher saying that the post is off topic. So, not all shareholders can really say a post is off topic even though it does not contain a sample number or such.

When this board was first started and developed, our vision was to make this board one of the best information sites going for our investment as well as our fellow shareholders. Just doing DD on the properties and taking things at face value, leave you nowhere with out the understanding of the market and all aspects of it. A prime example of this is our present sp, if you just look at the DD of the properties, which hasn,t changed, our sp should be up there close to where it was last year, above the $2. Its because of the market aspects that some consider off topic that is the reason and the understanding why our sp is where it is at today. To leave out these so called off topic aspects, is to really cut down the value of this board, its understanding and to better help the opposing forces with their agendas. The less you know, the easier it is to scare you and to manipulate you.

The markets are not as simple as invest your money. It is a rather complex design that is in favour of institutions,funds and the big traders. They have the tools that we little guys do not, to move shareprices and utilize the shorting techniques that we cannot or are not allowed to. An incredible disadvantage for us, and a method of control over us, so we very seldom win. Even our unique situation of holding a large portion of the outstanding shares, the unique tools available to the big guys were successful in driving the sp down. The market values SLI right now where it is at, BS, this is just an excuse that is used by the big players to cover up what really goes on. And, these big players don,t like to see it when investors are getting informed in these areas to the reality. So, they put out their flunkies on these sites to attack any amount of info or understanding a muppet may be getting in how the market actually works, they are trying to protect their raping methods.

In reality, anything to do with the market is on topic because it affects your investment. A little off topic joke put on the main board does not hurt now and again either. We are family and there should be leeways for that in this world,and a step out side of that control irks the ones that profit from control, so recognize them for who they are. Personally, I don,t agree with an off topic board and an on topic board, you lose your individuality and connections between these two, a division that makes you boring and takes the little bit of fun out of things. When you lose these values, what have you become? You become conditioned to a limited way off thinking that allows you to be more easily preyed upon, but that is every body,s choice, to except things at face value, or to look into the depths and learn more, so you can better protect yourselves.

This hub has dealt with a tremendous amount of opposition for the very reason that certain ones do not want you informed how the markets work because they see it as a threat. You all have witnessed it here one time or another, and know it to be true, and continue to see it. So please, the next time you think something may be off topic, look a little deeper and see how it could directly or indirectly affect SLI,then ask yourself, is it really off topic?

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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