St. Elias Mines

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Whats going on?
about 12 years ago

In this crazy world of finance, corruption and finger pointing, was a false rumour to the media in regards to the silver manipulation put out there with intent? I mean yesterday we see this;

Then today we hear it from the horses mouth that it is inaccurate;

{On Monday morning, I reached out to Commissioner Bart Chilton of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission for comment. Addressing the report that his agency will likely drop the investigation with no charges filed, Chilton countered: "The Financial Times report related to silver is not only premature, but inaccurate in several respects."

Chilton continued: "Whenever the CFTC does take an action or actions related to our silver investigation, I am hopeful that we will do so in a fulsome and transparent manner. That will certainly be my quest in anything we do."}

But this is the what I find most interesting in the second link.

In his remarks to me on Monday morning, Chilton took the fascinating step of broadening the scope of his remarks to include gold this time around, and he also seemed to connect the more recent episodes of highly questionable market dynamics -- which market observers like the Gold Antitrust Action Committee and myself have publicly decried -- to the specific events considered within the four-year silver investigation: "I continue to believe, consistent with my previous statements and information from the public, that there have been devious efforts related to moving the price of silver. There have also been silver and gold market anomalies outside of the silver investigation window that have raised, and continue to raise, market concerns."

I bolded the last sentence in the above paragraph, wondering exactly what he may be suggesting? I wonder if the recent takedown of most of the resource stocks would fall into his anomalies of which he speaks? And, in the paragraph above,the mention of GATA by the author of the article, reminds me of a post I put on here earlier today about Jay Taylor and how BNN didnot want him to talk about GATA or mention their name. Is this some form of censorship?

I mean, as far as BNN goes, I thought they were out for helping the muppets with their top picks and such and held the utmost integrity in being there for the little guy as well as the big. For BNN to say in this excerpt below from a mineweb article of today;

In a letter to GATA informing them of the BNN gagging, Taylor comments "The producer responded by asking me to please avoid talking about GATA. It was OK for me to say what I believed, he said, but not to say the name "GATA," because, in his words, "That causes a lot of trouble around here." I can see this only as a form of media control by the establishment."

So, if GATA is trying to fight corruption and is presenting compelling evidence to that effect, why would BNN withhold the name of GATA from the public, after all, isn,t GATA out to help the little guy too? After the recent drop in most resource stocks, I think the retail portion of investing should have all aspects via the media, presented to them as to inform or at least update. And do the words of the producer "That causes a lot of trouble around here." suggest that the network is influenced by someone higher up that tells them what they can say and cannot? If that is the case, then maybe BNN cannot be relied on to get all the facts? If this is the case, I am very disappointed in BNN. Isn,t one of our new directors still affiliated with BNN somehow? We, as a gold stock have been hit hard on our sp, maybe he can voice an opinion to BNN to do a show on why all the gold stocks are down with the manipulation component explored as well. Get the truth out there, let the media do their job and not be restricted in what they can show and take away the bias that surrounds that.

Its ridiculous to see the markets relatively stable, the POG relatively stable and the stock prices of gold stocks down as much as 90%. Everyone sees the disconnect that makes no sense. How can all the valuations for gold stocks become capitulated when we are not in a market crash and where a crash at this point in time would only put the POG higher? The excuses for this event of capitulation on gold stocks of higher mining costs is ludicrous and the most lame excuse I have ever heard. No wonder trust is waning in the markets as the excuses become more and more absurd. All the good excuses have been used up over the years and dug into to reveal why they weren,t good excuses.This was just another rape of the muppets that was allowed to happen and it seems any thing in our defense gets squashed or not addressed. Whats going on?


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