St. Elias Mines

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just found this
about 12 years ago

This is from April this year and I had just come across it. Its in line with what I suggested what was going on with the mining shares, an orchestrated takedown, that took many gold companies shares below the money they had in their treasuries, ridiculous.

Look at this excerpt;

It’s the same bullion banks doing this to the mining shares. The same players that are manipulating the price of gold and silver. The bullion banks are naked short these mining shares in an effort to keep the prices capped.

As for us, we saw this being set up last fall when we were mentioned on the Seeking Alpha site, as a ripe candadate for shorting. I always found it hard to accept how such a tightly held stock could sustain so much damage to its sp that took it to levels beyond comprehension.The takedown was blatant and continued and every bit of discouraging news helped the takedown perfectly. As BOW put, and with which I agree, the shorters had an uncanny 100% trade record, an anomaly of the markets very rarely seen. So,if Mr King is right, the bankers made money on these stocks going up, then they were all in tune and flipped the tables, started shorting and made millions shorting, all at the expense of the muppets. The stocks that they couldn,t borrow the shares to push down, because they were so tightly held, had to be naked shorted to a degree to get the ball rolling downhill, and scaring investors out, helping to push the sp lower. At this time when this was happening, it would have been a noble move by Lori to scurry and put out a boatload of news to thwart what was going on and help keep the interest in our stock here and help protect the shareholders and their families that supported this stock immensly.

If she felt she had no control over what was about to happen, maybe there could have been preventative measures or constant scrutinizing in what was going on in the trading, for example, checking the shareholders lists every couple weeks for additional shares or who was doing all the selling. We could have protected the sp and the shareholders by standing TOGETHER and fighting this unethical move by the perpetrators. With us, we would have given them a real run for their money and revealed our strength to the market and showed how it was wrong what was happening. We had that chance, because it is mostly common folk in this stock with very limited institutional holdings. In the scenario that happened in the takedown of gold stocks, the institutions are the weakest hands because they can be forced into redemptions if they don,t decide to play along with the trend.Many of these other stocks have large institutional holdings, and in this case, those stocks didn,t have a prayer in hell of with standing the attack, BUT, we did!

Maybe this down slide in all the mining stocks will be the next project for all the regulators to look at and investigate. After all, isn,t the job of the regulators to also sustain the integrity of the markets and make it a safer place for the little guy to invest? Isn,t it their job to erase manipulation in the markets? If we, as retail investors cannot rely on the regulatory bodies to protect us, then who will? What about all the pensioners money that is put in these markets for when they retire? If the blatant manipulation continues as it has, there may be little pension funds left, after the greed gets their pockets full. We have seen many pensioners forced back to work because of the decline in their pensions a few years back and the steady rise of inflation. This is not right, for those people who worked all their lives to be able to retire by putting their money away in funds that don,t gain enough to keep up with inflation.

The market has to go up and down to function properly, but the swings have become more extreme indicating the need for more,more, more money in the big players pockets. And where do they get that money? From the muppets and their families that are the base of the economies, that trust their money in investments. Take away the money circulating in an economy, then its easy to understand why the market has become so volitile and why there is such blatant manipulation. Because these big guys are desperate to make money and will use any tactic possible to attain that goal lately, because of the ever dwindling supply of muppet money.Their standards of living has become to high, higher than the available supply of money in the markets.The easing and printing of money was only gobbled up by the big guys in the markets and appeased their appetite for a short while. But the main problem is; that they are still growing and need even more food to survive.They can,t get their fix from the monetary infusions lately, so they turn on the next best thing, a tenderly cooked muppet.So, does it continue? Well, if it does, then all the regulatories themselves will be called into question. If that doesn,t help, it will not stop there and then the committees that govern these arms will have to be looked at. And so on and so on. If its not addressed, then the markets will suffer huge declines as the muppets get a better sense of whats going on and say "whats the use of putting my money in a market where I just keep losing?" Whats the use of paying into pensions, I would be better off spending my money now and don,t worry about tomorrow, because at this rate, there may be nothing left for tomorrow.

Step up to the plate, good people involved in the governance of these markets, and be accountable. Do something that is right, ethical and just, don,t let these words just be lies told to muppets so that they can be robbed easier.

Have a wild weekend!


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St. Elias Mines
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