St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I've heard that Duncan Bain never disbelieved that there is gold in Tesoro. He simply didn't like the course that Lori was on to prove that gold . And wouldn't you know she has yet to show she's found it. She's not fully utilizing Quantec to find it so we know that Duncan (if what I've heard is correct) was justified in resigning. Why would Duncan stay on if he didn't like the methodology being used. That fits in with his resignation. If someone knows Duncan please call him and try to confirm this opinion.

Now, as to insider selling...We are talking about a drop in the bucket as to what Lori holds compared to her meager sale.

Why is she holding back results...If she is?

Maybe she doesn't want to show that the method she used was flawed...I feel we already know that!....Big news!

That's Ok with me so long as she smartens up fast (or resigns now) so that we can hire a new competent CEO that will prove the gold at Tesoro exists and all will be happy (Lori supposidly owns in the millions so what should she care about being replaced ...except for her ego!).

But,if she corrects her mistakes quickly, she can still be the hero (CEO) she wants to be. A little more information on direction and some fast great drilling (trenching?) reports and we will all be relieved. Stock climbs to $2.00 fast on great results after being hammered on bad!

Get on the ball Lori and do the job of a CEO "Now". If you are incapable of proving the gold let someone with more experience do that job and save the company as well as all shareholders at the same time.

You will then truly be a hero!

All in my opinion. JW

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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