St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Look where we are. If tesoro or any of the other properties are loaded with gold then buying SLI for $130 million is a drop in the bucket to the big boys. They know how to identify gold and they have plenty of money to prove it.

Let's see....Management probably combined owns quite a few million shares that cost them peanuts so if they can walk away with great severance packages and many millions, what's to stop them from agreeing. Maybe it's $1.50/share but that's still horrible to me and I presume many of you.

What we need is some great reports..trenching and other targeted drilling reports to get our share price up ASAP. Right now everyone that I know is questioing why we are still invested. I'm sure there are a lot more of us too. An offer of $1.50 and they will run like raped chickens!

Mangement must start promoting the stock,which is what Murry did IMO, but that promotion must be coupled with fabulous reports or our share price will once again drop like a rock. My point is that promotion needs results to be effective. You also need a promoter to rally the markets that knows how to promote without being considered a pumper....Fine line.

Who do we have left with that capability? Your guess is as good as mine.

When will we get the reports? Ask management when.

Who do you call...ghost busters? JW

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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