St. Elias Mines

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in response to Boots's message

A couple of comments.

A well written release, straight to the points and direction given.

The fact that they say they are preparing for drilling, says something to me. Their anticipation of finding something worthy of drilling seems confident. I will say that they pretty well know its worth drilling and that the rest of the results from SLI will propel their stock forward, because they will need a future PP late summer early fall to have the funding in place for a drill program. I am kinda feeling that some great news from SLI is imminent.

I have to take this text from the release," This structure has been intersected by numerous cross-cutting faults that have been flooded with quartz. Areas of copper staining have also been observed. "

A very interesting comment. The flooding of quartz implies to me that the faults are all flooded with quartz in that area taking in the Tesoro. This is why SLI has 3 holes from one collar in the new NE claims on a major fault. A hint in SLI,s last release about gold bearing veins being associated with the faults explains this stated interest in the faults them selves for further high grade veins. The suggestion of blow out quartz filling these faults, suggests that maybe the anomaly contains a considerable blowout of quartz containing gold. Not only this, but the area above Chance E on the Tesoro, displays many major faults coming to together at a common epicenter, which piqued considerably, my interest in that area. There is no geophysics done by us there, and the epicenter is under a layer of over burden preventing any direct surface samples. But, we have 3 drill holes to be reported on yet from a fault just north of here, which I expect to have good results,because a few surface samples taken in the Cactus Zone during the tech report,the 2 highest being 50 and 47 g/t right on the side of the fault.

The copper staining is also of interest, because there was some copper numbers coming from the Zona Incognito area of the Tesoro. If there is considerable copper on the Tesoro it will add to the overall value as a by-product, if high enough grade, it could possibly pay for mining the gold, which could add tremendous to what our gold is worth in the ground. For example; instead of our gold being maybe worth $100 an ounce in the ground, it could jump to $400 per ounce, because the cost of getting it out of the ground would be 0, where it would normally be around $300-500 an ounce in the general area, approx.

Very interesting to see Capitol 88 adamantly stating they are gonna pursue ground geophysics over the property. Now why would they do that if the SLI geophysics was not good? They could opt for a flyover, but the ground geophysics is much better and more detailed .So, Capitol has a great direction which will require considerable funding, BUT their confidence and identicle exploration plan to SLI, should say that SLI,s exploration plan is successful and is the proper way to go.

Also, she understands how important trenching is to the area, but must also have a good reason to believe she will find uncovered treasures that a geophysics will reveal, like it may for SLI.

Also, I detect a sense of some urgency in Capitals exploration plans. If she succeeds in accomplishing her plan for the next few months, it will be an exceptional feat and will show how competency will provide results at a reasonal speed, and is the right way. I hope and think she will be successful and will show how an exploration program of this extent can be achieved in a year, where it takes some companies several years to acomplish this.

This should also add considerable value for SLI in the fall or as early as a few weeks, depending on how Capitol will be releasing their news, frequent or not. If she utilizes every bit of available speed in getting samples and getting things done, I would expect her to continuously pour out exciting things from the property, inticing buying of Capital stock and even SLI.

Put the pedal to the metal Clodagh, and show the world what you can do!

So, for me, plenty of hints that all SLI,s data when compiled and released should be exceptional.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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